Phoenix Dance

Chapter 635 The Beginning of Chaos

Chapter 635 The Beginning of Chaos
And just before their worries were fully digested at this time, Feng Range said again, "Old Dean, I wonder if you have heard of the elves on the top of the elves, and the mermaids on the island of mermaids." /"

Hearing Feng Range suddenly started asking questions again, Dean Qingwu, Ji Xiao, and Yang Qiu didn't know what she wanted to say at this time.

So, after Feng Range asked this question, they all hesitated a little, and gave her the answer Feng Range wanted.

"We've all heard of the island of mermaids and the peak of elves, but no one has ever been there, because these two places are not easy to find. Moreover, I heard that there are people who have found these two places As mentioned before, if you want to go to the two places, unless you have the approval of the two tribes, otherwise, you will be severely punished by the two tribes for illegal intrusion. For this reason, we will not go there unless it is particularly necessary. These two places. Feng girl, is there something wrong with you suddenly asking this question?"

"Well! Because before we came here, we met a few elves at the top of the elves, and found that they were also polluted by the magic energy and became evil. But after that, they were saved by me!"

"What!" After hearing what Feng Range said again, Dean Qingwu, Ji Xiao, and Yang Qiu looked even more shocked at this moment!

This is really going to cause chaos in the world!Both the human race and the elves are polluted by the demonic energy. This situation must be that the demon race has invaded all races in the human world, and they are active in the human world!

Regarding this sudden discovery, even though Qingwu Dean is the most powerful person on Mingsen Continent, the families behind Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu are also extraordinary.However, as soon as they learned about the current situation, each of them could not calm down.

If anyone else sitting here is more indifferent, then Feng Range, Ouyang Huang, and Gao Ying who doesn't know anything.

When they saw Feng Range and Dean Qingwu talking constantly and their expressions constantly changing, Ouyang Huang and Gao Ying listened and watched quietly from the side.

After hearing Feng Range say something again that shocked Dean Qingwu and the others, and they also knew about it, Ouyang Huang also opened at the right time.

"Those birdmen, when we met, were not only polluted by demon energy, but also controlled by others, which is very dangerous!"

"What? Under control!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's timely opening and saying something that shocked Dean Qingwu and the others even more, Dean Qingwu almost slapped the table and stood up.

Seeing his gaffe at this time, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were also faintly aware that the development of the situation seemed to be moving towards a more serious situation.

But can they stop it?
Although Fengrange is the god of alchemy and medicine, she has a heart to help people all over the world.However, before doing all this, she must have the ability to do it, so she can do it!

Otherwise, she is also a mortal, and she will only choose to be wise and protect her life, and keep the closest relatives around her!

After Dean Qingwu and the others were shocked, they fell into a brief silence.Seeing them like this, Feng Range and the other three did not bother them.

After repeatedly understanding the serious development of the situation from their conversations, Ouyang Huang and Gao Ying also realized that what they now know is not simple.Even if they didn't want Dean Qingwu, Ji Xiao, Yang Qiu and the others to take this matter so seriously, then they couldn't ignore it.

Although this matter has little to do with them now, but one day in the future, this matter will inevitably involve them.

At this moment, Feng Range just thinks that this matter may not involve them, but he doesn't know the future, the whirlpool center really has nothing to do with them...

This matter is for a later date!
After Dean Qingwu met with Ji Xiao, Yang Qiu and the others again after they had reacted in front of the three of Feng Range, Dean Qingwu hurriedly said to the three of Feng Range, "The old man has an important matter now." If you want to do something, you have to go first!"

As he said that, he just dodged away from Feng Range and the others without a trace.

As soon as he left, Feng Range and the others never saw him again for the next two years...

After Dean Qingwu left, Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu also bid farewell to Feng Range and the three of them, "Miss Feng, thank you very much for saving the two of us! We also have things to do next, this Gao We may not be able to teach Ying girl, Ye Xing, and Ye Yu. I think Miss Feng also has her own plans and ideas for the following things, so it's up to you to arrange them! This is what we and Please accept the token of the dean! In this academy, no one should embarrass you in the future! Now, we will take the first step!"

Seeing what Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu handed to him at this moment, Fengran Geben was still hesitant to take it.But when she was still hesitating, Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu were really in a hurry, so before leaving in a hurry, they stuffed things into Feng Range's hands, and then turned around and left.

Seeing this happening, Feng Range was a little stunned for a moment!
She didn't allow her to think about whether she would accept this thing, but she just gave it to her directly.

However, now that this thing is in her hands, it should be impossible to send it back.So, Feng Range took a look at the things that Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu stuffed into their hands together, and after seeing clearly that they were three jade cards that seemed to represent some kind of identity, she put them away directly !
After doing this, they are fine for the time being.

So, Feng Range said to Gao Ying, "Xiaoying, I will give you a month to go with Yexing and Yeyu to Zangshu Pavilion to read all the books of the college and understand. After finishing this matter, you can directly enter the Shihuang space to retreat and practice, and if any of you have not reached the level of Wu Zong, then you don't need to come out!"

"Yes, Master!"

At this moment, Gao Ying's expression turned bitter when she heard Feng Range's sudden and severe admonition to her.However, because Feng Range's face was very cold at this time, although Gao Ying felt a little distressed, she didn't dare to refute.So, I agreed with some sullen heart.

After seeing her answer, Feng Range turned to look at Ouyang Huang again, and said to him, "Let's go into the space!"

"it is good!"

At this time, after getting Ouyang Huang's quick response, Feng Range almost without a word took Ouyang Huang into the Shihuang space in front of Gao Ying...

(End of this chapter)

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