Phoenix Dance

Chapter 640 Heading to the City Lord's Mansion

Chapter 640 Heading to the City Lord's Mansion

Since then, Feng Range has been cuddling with Ouyang Huang, waiting for the person who went to investigate the situation to come back and report.

At the same time, after the disappearance of Gao Ying and the others, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang realized that the establishment of their power was still too slow.

If they had paid more attention to this area and let their strength develop faster, then they would not have found out anything about Gao Ying and the others after they disappeared for so long. .

At this time, Feng Range felt a little guilty, which was really because she was too negligent.

However, after Gao Ying and the others come back, she and Ouyang Huang will have a good grasp of this part of the situation.

If this happens to her people next time, Feng Range can no longer allow her people to move so slowly!

Just after they waited for more than two hours, someone finally hurried back to the mansion and brought them good news.

"Where is the person?" Feng Range saw that the person who brought them the news was Kai Feng, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. When he saw him, Feng Range's eyes flickered slightly!
However, they still have more important things to do now, this is not the time to reminisce about the past, Feng Range directly asked Kai Feng.

Kaifeng has always been Ouyang Huang's most capable assistant, and he knows the importance of the current situation.So, after closing his eyes, he reported the situation he found to Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

"Young Master Huang, the people we sent out found out that Madam's apprentice was arrested and brought into the City Lord's Mansion. As for the reason for this, we haven't found out yet..."

"Okay, we know about this matter! Now go and let our people guard it well, don't let a fly fly out of the City Lord's Mansion, we will go there later!"

After hearing Kai Feng tell Gao Ying and the others where they are now, the eyes of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang immediately burst out with a light full of coldness.People from the city lord's mansion dare to touch her apprentice Feng Range, they will die!
After hearing that Gao Ying and the others were in the City Lord's Mansion, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang understood who had captured them.As for the reason for this, Kai Feng didn't need to say it, they knew it very well.

For this reason, before Kaifeng could finish his sentence, Ouyang Huang interrupted him.

When he heard that Ouyang Huang asked him to go first and he would come later, Kai Feng didn't say much at this moment.So, after bowing slightly, he turned and left.

Seeing Kai Feng leave, Feng Range turned to look at Ouyang Huang, "Shall we go now?"

At this moment, when Feng Range asked him, Ouyang Huang also turned his head and looked at her.

The moment the eyes of the two met, Ouyang Huang smiled lightly and said, "Okay! I didn't kill those people before, because I was too kind. Now let's go find them and just cut the weeds and root them out!" "


Because I haven't seen Gao Ying and the others yet, Feng Range still doesn't know how Gao Ying and the others are doing now, whether they have been tortured by the city lord's mansion.Therefore, at this moment, there is no objection to Ouyang Huang's cruel decision!

After they went to find Gao Ying and the others, it would be fine if there was nothing wrong with them, but if something happened... then there is no need for Ouyang Huang to remind her, and she will definitely not let anyone in the City Lord's Mansion be spared!Even other creatures, she will not let go of one!

At this time, Zhao Xin and everyone in the City Lord's Mansion didn't know that their lady had recruited someone to their mansion, or what a terrifying force it was!

After agreeing with Ouyang Huang's current opinions and thoughts, the two of them didn't delay any longer, and after bringing along all the people in the mansion who were of decent strength, they headed for the Mansion of the Lord of Qingwu City in a mighty way. went……

On the way there, other people on the street gave way to them after seeing their scene.

At the same time, there are also some gossipers who want to know where they are going after seeing them pass by?What happened?So, he sneaked along at the end of their team.

After waiting for them to follow for a long time, judging from the direction they were going, these people who followed could vaguely see that they were going to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion!
After discovering this situation, many of the people who were still following them gave up and continued to follow them to watch a good show.

As far as these people are concerned, they don't know if they can afford to offend them!But as far as the people of the City Lord's Mansion are concerned, they absolutely cannot afford to offend them!

After knowing this point, some people also know that it is better to protect one's life wisely, one more thing is better than one less thing, and one must have the ability to watch a good show, so they decided not to get involved in this matter, and they will stop here. went forward.

After some people withdrew, some people continued to follow without giving up.Feng Range was aware of the existence of these people, but at this moment she automatically chose to ignore them.

After a group of them came directly to the vicinity of the City Lord's Mansion, Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun, who had been staying on the side all the time, came towards them after seeing their appearance.

"Young Master Huang, are you here?"

"Well, how's it going?"

"No one left, they were all in the mansion. Girl Gao Ying and the others were imprisoned in an underground torture cell. They... they were tortured, um, bruises all over their bodies!"


It turned out that Wenchen was reporting the situation with Ouyang Huang, everything was fine, and Feng Range listened without interrupting.But just now, as soon as Wen Chen mentioned that Gao Ying and the others were tortured by the people of the City Lord's Mansion, and they were bruised and bruised, Feng Range couldn't calm down at this moment!
Seeing her such a rare gaffe, and her mood was obviously a little unstable, Ouyang Huang immediately took her into his arms and comforted her, "Xiao Geer, it's okay! Since they hurt Gao Ying and the others, we will return them back thousands of times! Anyway, you are still here, no matter how seriously Gao Ying and the others are injured, you will definitely be able to heal them. Now, what we have to consider is how to treat these three little guys Rescue them and avenge them at the same time!"

Seeing Ouyang Huang comforting Feng Range softly, Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun fell silent when they saw such a scene that Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun had never seen before.

Is this gentle and outrageous guy their indifferent boss and brother Ouyang Huang?
How come they have become such wife slaves now? It makes them uncomfortable!
As for Feng Range, under Ouyang Huang's comfort, her mood gradually stabilized again...

(End of this chapter)

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