Phoenix Dance

Chapter 648 Appointing a New City Lord

Chapter 648 Appointing a New City Lord

"Young Master, Madam, this is Master Sun, Minister of Ming Qing Kingdom! Master Sun has come to visit our residence at the order of Emperor Ming Qing this time."

Seeing Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, the two walked in from outside one after the other, and the attendants who had stayed behind to entertain the guests immediately stepped forward when they saw them.After walking in front of them, he respectfully introduced the visitors to the house this time.

Hearing the attendant's introduction, Ouyang Huang nodded his head slightly, then waved his hand, telling him to step down first!

After receiving Ouyang Huang's signal at this moment, the attendant bent down slightly, and then retreated.

After the attendants withdrew, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range walked up to the court official who was called Mr. Sun, and said without any affinity, "Mr. Sun, I'm going to Ouyang Huang, this is the inner court official." Ren Feng Ran Ge! I don’t know if Mr. Sun is here to visit my Feng Huang Mansion this time, but what’s the matter?”

Sun Shangshu and Lord Sun, when Ouyang Huang and Feng Range walked in, they had already noticed them.

When seeing that both of them have extraordinary looks and excellent temperament, they know that these two people will definitely not be idle people.From the appearance of the two of them, they knew that they were the dragon and the phoenix among men.

Because of this, he is very insightful, and now he doesn't feel angry when he sees Ouyang Huang's attitude towards him a little bit.This is a genius, it's okay to have a superior and arrogant temper, and he doesn't need to worry about it!

With this in mind, he smiled lightly when answering Ouyang Huang's question.Then, without beating around the bush, he took out a copy of the imperial decree, and handed it to Ouyang Huang without reading it out.

"Young Master Ouyang, the purpose of my visit this time is in this imperial decree, you should take a look for yourself!"

"Huh?" Ouyang Huang was even more puzzled when he saw Master Sun and directly took out a copy of the imperial decree and handed it to him.

This decree was handed over to him?Give him a decree?What does it mean?
Ouyang Huang didn't understand the current situation for a while, so he didn't accept the imperial edict, and just looked at Master Sun with a puzzled expression.

As for Mr. Sun, he was a little surprised when he saw that he handed over the edict to Ouyang Huang, but he didn't take it for a long time!
When he looked up at Ouyang Huang and saw his puzzled expression, he knew why he didn't accept the imperial edict.

Then, he opened his mouth and said, "Young Master Ouyang, my court already knew that your Fenghuang Mansion was responsible for the matter of Qingwu City Lord's Mansion. At the same time, I also knew that the fault was originally on Zhao Ao's body. Then Zhao Ao During the many years of being the Lord of Qingwu City, how many things have been committed and what have been done, my current Holy Majesty also knows a little bit. Therefore, the current Holy Majesty does not blame you for everything you have done to Qingwu City Lord's Mansion On the contrary, you will be rewarded by the Fenghuang Mansion for eradicating a big cancer for our Ming Qing Dynasty! You see, the Holy Majesty immediately issued this decree, asking me to come here as soon as possible in a flying spirit beast. You are about to appoint Mr. Ouyang as the new Lord of Qingwu City! Mr. Ouyang, why don’t you accept the order now?”


I didn't know what was written in the imperial decree before, but now, after hearing Master Sun's words, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range understood the content of the imperial decree.

At the same time, they couldn't help but sigh, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty is really well-informed!It took only three hours for their Fenghuang Mansion to kill the Qingwu City Lord's Mansion, and the emperor on the other side of the yellow car reform already knew the news.And yes, another arrangement was made for some of the follow-up matters.

Knowing this situation, it can be said that Ouyang Huang and Feng Range felt a little uncomfortable.

After meeting Qing Aoyang earlier, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang couldn't help thinking that the emperor of Qing Dynasty might be similar to his son after seeing him so arrogant but ignorant and stupid.

But now, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range couldn't help but change their views on Naming Qinghuang.It seems that Ming Qinghuang is actually a decent character!
Otherwise, how could he understand everything here after only a short time after what happened here!

At this time, both Ouyang Huang and Feng Range's eyes were slightly lowered, and they were lost in deep thought...

Should Ouyang Huang be appointed as the new Lord of Qingwu City? Should he agree?Ouyang Huang couldn't make a decision at this time, and it was not easy for Feng Range to give him an opinion.

So, at this moment, Mr. Sun raised the hand holding the imperial decree. It's not good to accept it, and it's not good to not accept it. I don't know what to do for a while!

"Master Ouyang?" Lord Sun called Ouyang Huang softly at this time, but Ouyang Huang didn't respond at all when he heard his call.

Just like that, their atmosphere fell into silence for a while...

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Master Sun tentatively opened his mouth again and called out, "Master Ouyang?"

"Okay, I agree to take over as the new city lord of Qingwu City! However, I have conditions. If you don't agree to my conditions, then this matter of becoming the new city lord of Qingwu City will be avoided! "

"Conditions? What conditions?" Appointing a person to be the lord of a city is something that many people want but can't get.However, once this matter was brought to Ouyang Huang, why did he still need to negotiate conditions before agreeing to take up the post!

Regarding the sudden change, Mr. Sun could never have imagined it earlier.Therefore, when he heard that Ouyang Huang was still negotiating terms, he felt a little embarrassed.

You must know that this imperial decree was issued by Emperor Mingqing of Mingqing Kingdom, and he can't be the master when it comes to negotiating conditions!Isn't Ouyang Huang saying this now just to make things difficult for him!

As for Ouyang Huang, he raised his eyebrows when he heard Mr. Sun's question blurted out almost out of composure.Then, he said, "Conditions, I am a person who pursues freedom. During my tenure as Qingwu City Lord, I don't want Qingwu City Lord Yi Yang to be stared at all the time! Even if this person It’s not okay to be a pilgrim! Under the eyes of others, if I want to do something intimate with my dear little Ge’er, and someone peeks at me, I will kill someone at that time. !Of course, if the sage asks me to do something that I don't want to do, I won't do it, and he can't convict me. "

"What! You, you, you..."

After hearing that Ouyang Huang had listed two conditions, but after hearing the content of these two conditions, Mr. Sun was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

He pointed at Ouyang Huang and said "you" for a long time, but Ren didn't say a complete sentence.

As for Ouyang Huang, seeing his expression like this, he was completely indifferent...

(End of this chapter)

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