Phoenix Dance

Chapter 674 City of the Alchemist Guild

Chapter 674 City of the Alchemist Guild

When Ouyang Huang's helicopter slowly lifted into the air, some students of Qingwu Academy on the assessment field saw their helicopter lift into the air at this moment.

After seeing a big guy like a helicopter appear in front of their eyes, it was something they had never seen before.At this time, they were so amazed that they began to discuss...

"What is that? Why have I never seen it before!"

"I seem to see Mo Xuan, the dean's disciple, and Ouyang Huang, two students who are also the dean, and Feng Range sat inside!"

"Where are they going to leave the academy?"

"These three guys are really the dean's disciples, they are so arrogant!"

"Yeah, it's too arrogant!"


When seeing Ouyang Huang and the others sit in the thing that each of them had never seen before, many people present were amazed, and some people showed their jealousy !

As soon as the three of them entered the academy, one became the dean's disciple and two became the dean's students, which was enough to make them envious.

But now, when they saw that they could enter and leave the academy freely, and they would not be restricted by the academy in what they did, they were even more envious.

However, their envy now is just envy.Because of the strength Fengrange and the others showed in previous challenges from others, they really couldn't be more envious of them!
As for Feng Range and the others, there were eager gazes and discussions behind them.They didn't notice it.

After the helicopter left the ground of the examination site of Qingwu Academy, they flew directly in the direction of the imperial city.

Because the place where the imperial city is located is farther away from Qingwu city than Huarong city, so even if they go there by helicopter at this moment, it will take some time.

Just one day is probably not enough for them to reach the vicinity of the imperial city!
After leaving Qingwu Academy in this way, Feng Range and the others went to the imperial city non-stop because of their hurry.In the end, also in the evening, a helicopter landed on the outskirts of the city near the imperial city where there were two other cities.

After getting off the plane, Ouyang Huang put it away.Then, they went to that city before the city gate was closed, planning to spend the night here tonight, and rush to the imperial city tomorrow!
When the three of them walked to the gate of this city, they saw the three characters of "Shaoyang City" written on the gate.

At this moment, because Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't know much about the things on this road, Mo Xuan started to explain, "Ouyang, Feng, this Shaoyang city is in Mingqing country. Even the whole continent is quite famous! Because, there is an alchemist guild in their city, and many alchemists in this continent gather here!"

"Alchemist Guild?" After listening to Mo Xuan's explanation, Feng Range was a little surprised.

You know, there is an alchemist guild on the mainland of the gods, and she is also the honorary president of the alchemist guild.

Now, when I suddenly heard that there is also an alchemist guild here, Feng Range's originally indifferent expression changed slightly.

Both Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan couldn't understand Feng Range's expression change at this time.

However, when he heard her question, Mo Xuan also responded to him, "Yes! This Shaoyang City is the only city in Ming Qing that has the most alchemists. If you can see two or three of them in other cities If there are more alchemists here, then you can see a hundred times more alchemists here."

"Huh?" Hearing Mo Xuan's response again, Feng Range was even more surprised after hearing his words!
You must know that when you were on the Continent of Gods, every city there had a branch of the Alchemist Guild.If it is the headquarters, it can only be found in a metropolis.

In a country like this, there is only one alchemist guild in one city, which is really rare!
While listening to Mo Xuan's repeated introduction, the three of them also walked into Shaoyang City.While they were paying attention to the surrounding situation, Feng Range discovered that the situation here was really just like what Mo Xuan said.

Among the seven or eight people who passed by them, Feng Range could smell the strong or light smell of medicinal materials and pills from their bodies.Since those people will have these smells left on their bodies, they are undoubtedly herbalists or alchemists.

Fengrange is relatively sensitive to smell, so she can't smell it wrong.After seeing so many alchemists passing by her side, Feng Range's mood at this moment is a bit complicated.

In the past, no matter how you say it, Feng Range was also the honorary president of the alchemist association on the mainland of Jishen.Now when she sees these similar pictures, her mind still misses the past.

In particular, because of her status, she brought extra protection to their Feng family.

But now, she doesn't know what the Feng family, who has lost her, has been hit by the same family now?

I hope they are all right now!
After getting rid of her inner demons, Feng Range now thinks about everything about her previous life. Although she is still sentimental, she is obviously much calmer.

So right now, after she lost her mind for a while, she recovered.

After recovering his expression, Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang, "Let's find a place to live first! We have to hurry tomorrow, and it's getting late now, so don't delay any longer!"

"Well, good!" Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan nodded upon hearing Feng Range's words.

Then, they noticed the shops on both sides of the street as they walked, and they just wanted to find a place to live nearby!

Anyway, they still have to hurry tomorrow, so tonight they can make do with one night.

However, they walked all the way, but they saw a lot of herbal medicine stores and elixir stores, but they didn't see an inn or restaurant. Fengrange and the three were a little puzzled about this.

Is it because there are no inns and restaurants here where visitors can rest and live?That should not be!

Judging from the scene of people coming and going here, this place should be very prosperous and there are many visitors. It should be impossible to exist without the possibility of these two places!

Could it be that they didn't find the right place, and they still need to go deep into the center of the city to find it?

With this doubt and speculation, Feng Range and the three continued to move towards the more central position of Shaoyang City.

Walking along this road, they still pay attention to the situation on both sides...

(End of this chapter)

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