Phoenix Dance

Chapter 687

Chapter 687

Ouyang Huang gave a cold shout at this moment, and then rushed towards Qin Siyuan directly!

At this time, seeing Ouyang Huang dodge and rush towards him, Qin Siyuan was a little frightened immediately!
Then, like a woman without courage, she screamed, "Ah! Don't come here! Stay away from me! Go away! Go away..."

However, Feng Range would never notice Qin Siyuan's frightened reaction.With a cold smile, the person had already arrived in front of him, and then shot at him.

"Boom! Crack! Boom!" Ouyang Huang's attack at this time was quite fierce and brutal. He didn't give Qin Siyuan a chance to escape at all, and directly tossed Qin Siyuan like a ball.

Feng Range and Mo Xuan were quietly watching from the side at this moment, and it only took a little time to watch Ouyang Huang, and Qin Siyuan was tortured to the point of being so ugly!
Seeing such a result, the expressions of Feng Range and Mo Xuan remained calm, without much change.

Later, seeing Ouyang Huang continue to torment Qin Siyuan for a while, he directly knocked him unconscious.Feng Range walked up to him at this time, and said to him, "Okay, Huang. That's it for this place, we should leave!"

"En!" Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Ouyang Huang nodded slightly.

Then, just before he left with Feng Range, he took out some MI medicine that Feng Range gave him last time and sprinkled it on these people.

Especially Qin Siyuan who was lying at his feet, Ouyang swiped and sprinkled more powder on him.Only in this way, this trash won't have a chance to trouble him and Xiao Ge'er again!

As for Qin Siyuan, Ouyang Huang really wanted to kill him directly, once and for all.However, now they are still in the imperial city, and they will stay here for a few days.If they killed Qin Siyuan directly at this moment, there would definitely be a lot of trouble coming to them later.

That being the case, they might as well let him go now!When they leave the imperial city another day, if this guy still dares to provoke them, then he will kill him directly!

For Qin Siyuan who was lying on the ground without any movement, Ouyang Huang took a cold look after sprinkling the powder, and then walked back to Feng Range's side.

He said lightly, "Let's go!"

Hearing what Ouyang Huang said at this moment, Mo Xuan continued to lead them.

Without the second Qin Siyuan blocking the way, the three of Feng Range came to a large stone gambling venue after walking for a while.

Arriving here, the purpose of entering is a lot of big and small stones, and there are people!
This stone gambling field is still very popular. The three of Feng Range stood together, looked around here first, and found that many people who came here were wearing brocade clothes. Presumably, each of them should be Let's all children!

Seeing that those people are constantly chatting with the people around them, discussing which stone to buy, they should be frequent visitors here too!

After observing these people for a while, Feng Range looked away from them.Then, he looked towards the pile of stones in front of them.

After looking at it, Feng Range didn't feel anything.However, just after she swept away with her divine sense, she was slightly shocked!
It's Lingshi!
Unexpectedly, there are many spirit stones among these stones!
Although there are a lot of spirit stones in Fengrange's Shihuang space, but after previous use, her reserves are not particularly large now.

Therefore, after seeing the existence of spirit stones here, Feng Range couldn't help but feel a little moved, and wanted to search for more.

Although the spirit stones in her primordial space are inexhaustible for a period of time, they will be used less and less.Moreover, there are more ways to use spirit stones. In addition to being more interested in medicinal materials, Feng Range is also interested in cultivation resources!
You must know that spirit stones are also a type of cultivation resources, especially top-grade and top-grade spirit stones, which will inevitably make Feng Range's heart flutter.

But now, I happened to see that there are a lot of top-quality spirit stones hidden in those stones, Feng Range is planning, how can I get those spirit stones?

"Mo Xuan, are there any rules for betting on stones?"

"Rules? No, you want you to spend gold coins and not buy the stone you like. If it cuts out of it, whether it rises or falls, it's all yours. This gambling quarry will not intervene! Of course, if someone Those who are not open-eyed want to cause trouble here, and the stone casino will still come forward to stabilize order."

"Well, then let's go in and pick some stones! I just don't know how many gold coins are needed for such a stone..."

"Miss, our stone here is 120 gold coins, please choose as you like!"

While Feng Range was talking with Mo Xuan, their conversation was overheard by an old man who had been paying attention to the scene.

And when he heard Feng Range's doubts about the price here, the old man spoke in a timely manner.

Hearing the sudden voice from the side, Feng Range and the three turned their heads to look at him.When they saw that the person talking to them turned out to be an old man, he seemed to be quite strong.

The three of Feng Range bowed at this time, and gave a simple salute, "You are old, you are polite! You always say that the price of the stone here is 120 gold coins a piece, right? We can choose whatever we want. ?"

"Yes, my lady! You can choose the stones here at will. After you have selected them, you can choose to dissect the stones here. Of course, you can also choose not to dissect them here."

"Well, thank you! I'm going to pick stones!"

After hearing the old man's explanation, Feng Range nodded to him, and then prepared to pick stones.

When they reached the piles of stone piles, Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan, "Go and see for yourself! If you like it, buy it!"


"it is good!"

Hearing Feng Range's opening at this time, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan immediately responded.However, after the two of them responded, Mo Xuan went to the side to pick out his stones.But Ouyang Huang still followed her.

"Huang, aren't you going?" Seeing Ouyang Huang staying, Feng Range asked in surprise.

Hearing Feng Range's question, Ouyang Huang nodded slightly and said, "Well, I'll accompany you!"

"Shock!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's answer, Feng Range was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to react...

But after being stunned for a while, he said again, "Then you stay here! I'm going to choose stone materials."

After saying that, instead of looking at Ouyang Huang's expression, Feng Range turned around to choose stone materials...

(End of this chapter)

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