Phoenix Dance

Chapter 691 What is life better than death

Chapter 691 What is life better than death
After showing up, some of them couldn't hold back their greedy heart, and threatened the three of Fengrange, "Hand over the top-quality spirit stone, and leave that woman to play with us, you two We can let it go!"

"Hand over the top-quality spirit stone and give us the woman to play with, you can go!"

Hearing that person speak, someone around him immediately agreed!It seems that these two people belong to the same family!
Hearing their shameless words, let's forget about the idea of ​​playing the top-grade Lingshi, but they even came up with the idea of ​​Fengrange!This made Ouyang Huang, who had only a cold complexion, suddenly gloomy, as if he was going to freeze the scum of the two openings!

Sensing the chill emanating from Ouyang Huang's body, Feng Range's eyes narrowed slightly, and then said in a cold voice, "Let them be quick to talk and hate! Just kill them all later." yes!"

If you want to play with her Feng Range, she will make them understand what is worse!
She has a lot of DU medicine in her hand, but she doesn't have the right opportunity to take it out and use it.But now, when she heard that these two people wanted to get her idea out of spite, she decided to treat them well with the DU medicine she had treasured for many years.

I hope that after a while, they can still say so arrogantly that they want to play with her!
Because the strength of the people who came to surround them this time is generally similar to that of Mo Xuan, and they are all at the third or fourth level of Wu Zong.In order not to cause any harm to the three of them in the future, Feng Range and the three decided to fight together.

Before making a move, Ouyang Huang took out his glove, and Mo Xuan also took out his epee.

Even Feng Range, in order not to let his DU medicine get on his body, took out a pair of gloves condensed from the golden crystal of silkworm and put them on, ready to do it!

There were more than 20 people who came, and the three of Feng Range separated to fight in three directions.

Ouyang Huang fought in close quarters, Mo Xuan used the epee, and Feng Range used DU. Among the three, Mo Xuan was weaker than Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, so it was more difficult to fight.

The other people, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, can deal with them with ease.After a while, half of the people who kept crying were lying at their feet.

After knocking down these people, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang continued to attack decisively!

After a while, after all the people they were dealing with had been put down, they came to Mo Xuan's side and helped him restrain him a little so as to relieve the pressure.

With the help of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, Mo Xuan's actions later became much smoother.After a while, all the people here were brought down,

After putting all these people down, the three of Feng Range left without any intention.

For these people who came to follow them and make trouble for them, Feng Range didn't think it would be easy to put them down.Next, they still have to teach them and the family behind them some profound lessons!

Otherwise, they thought they were easy to bully, and they could come and attack them at any time!

After thinking about it like this, the three of Feng Range met each other, and Ouyang Huang asked, "How will we deal with them next?"

Dealing with it, Ouyang Huang was talking about dealing with it.Because these people don't plan to let them go back to their family.Only if they let them all stay here, then the family behind them will be afraid of them.

In the next action, there will be a lot of thinking, whether to continue to do it.

For trouble, the three of Feng Range are unwilling to provoke, because they are lazy!
However, once trouble comes up, they are not afraid, just solve it together!

As it is now, they will not be soft-hearted to those who have their own ideas.

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question at this time, Mo Xuan stood aside and did not speak.At this time, Feng Range said, "I still have a kind of corpse water here. Anyone who gets a little bit of it will turn into a puddle of blood in the end, and there is no trace of a corpse, or give it to them." Come on!"

"What! Don't! Don't kill us! We are wrong... Please don't kill us! Let us go..."

"Please let us go! We promise that no one in our family will trouble you again after we go back! Please let us go..."

"No! Don't kill us..."

"Please don't kill us! Don't..."

Feng Range said that he would use corpse water to deal with them, but he didn't lower his voice when he spoke.So when they heard what she said, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan didn't respond yet.Those who were thrown to the ground by them couldn't move or run, so they could only howl and beg in horror!

However, this is exactly the result of they provoked them, how could Feng Range let them go so easily!
At this moment, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan also cooperated with Feng Range's opening and thinking, and said to her, "This idea is good!"

"Just do it!"

"Ah, don't! Don't do this to us!"

"Let us go! If you let us go, our family will benefit you!"

"Let us go! Don't kill us..."

"No! Let us go! We will never trouble you again..."

When Tao Kun heard that Feng Range and the other three were still going to use corpse water on them, the people lying on the ground couldn't help but continued to howl in despair!

However, for their wailing, the three of Feng Range still didn't pay attention to them, let alone let them go!

At this moment, Feng Range directly took out two bottles of corpse water and handed them to Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan respectively, "Go and deal with this matter!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

At this moment, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan each took a bottle of corpse-transforming water, then responded casually, and walked towards those people.

When he saw Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan, he walked towards them with a small porcelain bottle, and everyone resisted in fear...

"Go away! Don't come here! Ah...don't come here..."

"No! Go away! Go away..."

"You devils, I won't let you go even if I turn into ghosts! Ah..."

For those people's panic and fear, the three of Feng Range could see it, but they didn't give up!

For these people, even if they really let them go at this moment, they will think about how to find stronger people to take revenge on them instead of not provoking them.

They really let them go today, and they will be in constant trouble and danger in the next period of time!Therefore, based on the understanding of all the consequences, the three of Fengrange will not let them go today!

Only if they do everything right today, can they deter their respective families!Only in this way, they will have a peaceful life in the future!
After the corpse water in the hands of Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan touched each of them, the pained wailing resounded, " are all devils..."

"Ah... I don't want to die..."


(End of this chapter)

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