Phoenix Dance

Chapter 699

Chapter 699
Feng Range didn't notice Mo Xuan's reaction at this moment.However, Mo Xuan's reaction at this time was seen by Ouyang Huang who turned his head unexpectedly.

Seeing Mo Xuan showing such an expression at this moment, Ouyang Huang raised his eyes to look at him.

He opened his mouth and asked, "Do you want this exercise? If so, I advise you to put away your thoughts! Exercises are either greedy for too much or good. Just this heaven-level Fulong Boxing is nothing compared to Xiao Geer giving you the Nine Profound Sword Technique and Nine Cuts. If you still want to practice other skills, then wait until you go back to Qingwu City and ask her to give you another one. department!"

Originally, Feng Range's gaze was only focused on the auction situation on the auction platform.

However, when he heard Ouyang Huang's voice and suddenly thought of it, Feng Range looked at Mo Xuan at this moment.

"Mo Xuan, do you want this exercise on stage?"

Hearing that Feng Range also joined in to ask questions at this time, Mo Xuan looked at Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, and didn't know how to respond for a while.

Finally, after pondering for a while, he pursed his lips slightly and asked Feng Range, "Do you have any other powerful skills? Can you teach me?"

"Shocked?" Hearing Mo Xuan's question at this moment, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't know why, but felt that Mo Xuan was a little different at this moment!

Something must have happened to Mo Xuan, and it still had a great impact on his life!Feng Range and the others knew about this matter when they first met.

However, this was Mo Xuan's matter, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't want to force him to speak out.

But at this moment, after seeing that Mo Xuan's desire for great strength had already exceeded their imagination, they had to pay attention to what Mo Xuan said was hidden in his heart.

For this reason, after a moment of stunned reaction, Feng Range lowered her eyes slightly, and replied to Mo Xuan, "Mo Xuan, we all know that you have been hiding something in your heart. If you are willing to speak out, we will not force you. But now, Mo Xuan, I can give you powerful exercises! But, I have one request, tell us about your affairs. As long as you tell us about your affairs We, I will give you a noble-level or even holy-level exercise! Even, after we understand your matter, maybe Huang and I can help!"

When Feng Range was talking to Mo Xuan, the voice was only enough for the three of them to hear.When they heard Feng Range directly say that she has honor-level and even holy-level exercises, Ouyang Huang and Mo Xuan stared straight away!
Because Ouyang Huang has not fully recovered the memory of his previous identity, he is still an ordinary cultivator, but his talent is faster than ordinary cultivators.Therefore, when Feng Range said that he had higher-level exercises, Ouyang Huang wanted to practice those exercises that Feng Range said out of his desire for great strength.

However, their most important thing now is to dig out the secrets of Mo Xuan, and they can discuss other things later.

Hearing what Feng Range said at this time, Mo Xuan lost his mind for a moment, then fell into deep thought...

For Mo Xuan at this time, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang didn't bother him, and let him meditate quietly.

At this time, when their eyes and attention returned to the auction stage, the auction of that heavenly skill was over.At the price of [-] gold coins, it was offered by a noble family.

Next, is the seventh lot.

The old man presiding over the auction was standing in the center of the auction platform at this time, and explained loudly, "Everyone, next we invite the last second item of this auction, a heaven and earth pearl of unknown attributes. The so-called The heaven and earth pearl with attributes contains a special attribute that only exists between heaven and earth. For any cultivator, if he absorbs the energy of the attributes in it, it will make the cultivator become a person with attributes. At that time, if there is a coincidence, maybe you can become a sealer! Let's start, starting from ten gold coins!"

The starting price of each lot here is not high, which is actually the same as Fengrange's last auction with no reserve price.

Although this low price is not high, the auction price is not low.Because of this thing, it originally belongs to its value.What's more, there are so many people who want it, the price can be raised easily!

After hearing the name of the seventh lot from the old auctioneer, You Qi also introduced its function. As soon as the term "sealer" was mentioned, the atmosphere of the entire auction site became violent again!
"It's the Yuanzhu of Heaven and Earth! I never expected to be lucky enough to see this treasure of Heaven and Earth today!"

"Yes! If I have enough financial resources, I will definitely try to get this treasure of heaven and earth. But it's a pity... oh..."


When some people saw that the Heaven and Earth Yuanzhu was very tempting, but they were unable to take it, they couldn't help but lamented!

At the same time as they lamented, the on-site auction began...

"Five thousand gold coins!"

"Seven thousand gold coins!"

"Eight thousand gold coins!"

"Ten thousand gold coins!"

"Fifteen thousand gold coins!"

"Twenty thousand gold coins!"


The price was [-] gold coins from the first person's mouth, and then it soared to tens of thousands of gold coins in just a few seconds. Imagine it!
However, just as they began to keep shouting prices, Feng Range narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the heaven and earth pearl!
At this time, she said lightly, "Huang, I want this heaven and earth pearl!"

"Okay! Ten thousand purple gold coins!"

Hearing Feng Range's opening at this time, Ouyang Huang immediately called for the price without hesitation!
And when he heard him shout the price, the price soared to a height of [-] purple gold coins.For his crazy price increase, some of the people who had raised the price all showed annoyed expressions and glanced at him.

In the meantime, someone even started swearing, "Fuck! Are you kidding us? Did he raise the price like that?"

"Yeah, this guy was the one who made trouble before! That piece of Tianxinyun was bought by him by raising the price crazily!"

"Well, is he going to do this trick again this time?"

"I don't care if he is! I'm interested in the heaven and earth Yuanzhu this time, isn't it just [-] purple gold coins, I will fight with him! [-] purple gold coins!"

"Twenty thousand purple gold coins!"

Hearing that someone participated in the fight with Ouyang Huang at this time, Ouyang Huang didn't mind fighting with him again!
Anyway, his little song has a lot of purple gold coins, so he doesn't mind smashing them!

It's just that he hopes that the person who competes with him can afford it...

(End of this chapter)

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