Phoenix Dance

Chapter 703 Royal Mid-Autumn Banquet

Chapter 703 Royal Mid-Autumn Banquet

At this moment when they were dumbfounded, Ouyang Huang didn't care about their situation, and went directly to the things he had photographed, inspected them a little, and asked Feng Range beside him to put them away!

These things were originally taken by him for Feng Range, and now it is appropriate for Feng Range to put them away.According to Ouyang Huang's intention, Fengrange put away Tianxinyun and Tiandi Yuanzhu.

As for the fish beauty locked in the cage, when Feng Range walked in front of her, he didn't want to put her away for the time being!

One of the reasons for this is that she is a living creature, so it is not easy to accept her in front of everyone here.Another thing is that she still has something to ask this fish-mermaid.

Just when she collected two things in a row and stood in front of the Mermaid again, those people who had lost their minds, including Guanshi Qu, came back to their senses at this moment!
After returning to his senses, Guanshi Qu said to the servant next to him, "Go find a few more people and count the gold coins paid by this young master!"


Hearing Guanshi Qu's words, the servant next to him immediately ran out to call for someone.

At the same time as the servant left, Feng Range asked the first question to the fish beauty in the cage, "Are you willing to follow me? I will take you to the Mermaid Island, and I won't take you to the Mermaid Island." That's it!"

Hearing Feng Range talking to her lightly at this time, the fish beauty who was originally weak and unwilling to pay attention to others raised her head to look at Feng Range.

When she saw the young girl standing in front of her, who was as beautiful and severe as her, not a little bit worse, her lake blue eyes flickered slightly.

For a while, she was not in a hurry to respond to Feng Range's question, so she just looked at her fixedly, without taking her eyes off it.

Facing her gaze, Feng Range didn't evade, just met her eyes and let her watch.

Just like that, the two stared at each other, and the time passed by every minute...

After a while, the mermaid, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke, "I'm willing to follow you!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, her voice became a little hoarse, probably because she hadn't spoken for a long time, and she hadn't touched the water, which made her throat dry.

At this time, she had some difficulty in speaking. After saying a simple sentence, she didn't continue to say a second sentence.

Seeing her in this situation, after hearing her answer to the first sentence, Feng Range did not immediately ask her the second sentence.Instead, at this moment, she walked back to where she was directly sitting, picked up the cup of tea that the auction house made for her, and she didn't take a sip of tea, brought it over and handed it to her.

He said to her, "Drink this tea first to moisten your throat. It may be a bit unpleasant to drink, but for you who haven't touched water for a long time, you should be able to suspend the current situation! Besides, you will leave with us later, you now You can't be that weak!"

Seeing the teacup that Feng Range handed to her, and hearing what she said, she originally wanted to resist drinking it, but at this moment, her attitude relaxed!

Then, he took the teacup from Fengran Singer, raised his head, and drank it in one gulp.

After seeing her drink the tea, Feng Range said to her again, "I'll let you out now, and after leaving with us, I'll find you some water to moisten you!"

She was talking at this moment, and she started to undo the lock that trapped her in the cage.

The locks of Qu's Auction House are specially made to trap living creatures and prevent them from escaping.But I don't know why, this special lock, once in Fengran Singer, she was almost useless with any skill, and easily unlocked it!
After seeing her, he easily unlocked the lock and brought out the mermaid inside.The two guards who were standing next to the cage and guarding this lot were a little dumbfounded!
Originally, they thought that Feng Range was just talking about unlocking the lock.But now, after seeing Feng Range almost did nothing, he unlocked the lock, which made them unable to calm down!They all showed expressions of horror!
"This lady..."

"Miss is really good at it. Even the lock specially made by our Qu family can be opened so easily. This old man really admires me!"

Just as Feng Range unlocked the lock and led the Yumeri out of the cage, Guanshi Qu, who had been supervising several servants counting the gold coins that Ouyang Huang dumped on the ground, also noticed the situation here.

Then, he entrusted the supervisor to count the gold coins to a servant whom he trusted, and walked up to Feng Range himself, and spoke politely!

Hearing Guanshi Qu's words, Feng Range held Yumeri's hand and smiled faintly.As for words, he didn't say a word.

Seeing Feng Range's light smile and silence at this moment, and seeing her holding hands with Yumeri, Ouyang Huang spoke at the right time!

"Guan Qu, have you counted the gold coins? If it's almost ready, we'll take this lot, then we still have something to do, so we should leave!"

After speaking, Ouyang Huang glanced at Feng Range and Mo Xuan each, then at Guanshi Qu, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"Hey, this young master, please wait a moment! I don't know the real name of the young master, but where is the person? I wonder if the young master can tell you?"

Seeing that Ouyang Huang and the others were about to leave right now, Guanshi Qu was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then spoke hastily.None of the people present knew the identities of Ouyang Huang and the others so far.

At this moment, when Guanshi Qu was inquiring about Ouyang Huang's name and origin, those people standing aside pricked up their ears and listened.

Hearing Guanshi Qu's words, Ouyang Huang answered without hesitation, "My name is Ouyang."

With that said, he continued to move forward.

But when he heard Ouyang Huang's simple response at this time, Manager Qu was stunned!Then, they just watched Ouyang Huang and the others leave without stopping.

Walking out of Qu's Auction House, the three of Feng Range walked around the street casually.After arriving at a relatively hidden place, Feng Range turned to the Mermaid Yu and said, "Ai Luo, I will send you to a place to stay now, can I see you later? We still have things to do next." If you want to do it, it will be inconvenient for you to go with me like this! Moreover, it may cause you other troubles at that time!"

"Well, good!" Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Ai Luo, the fish mermaid, nodded in agreement almost without hesitation.

After she agreed, Feng Range also nodded, and put her into the space bracelet.

There is also a stream in the space bracelet. On the premise of not wanting to expose the space of Shihuang, it is the best choice to send Ai Luo into the space bracelet.

Now that Ai Luo was settled, the three of Feng Range left this hidden place and walked towards the noisy street.

Next, they are going to the palace to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet...

(End of this chapter)

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