Phoenix Dance

Chapter 713 Evil Breath

Chapter 713 Evil Breath

Feng Range naturally noticed Dean Qingwu's fiery eyes.

So, at this time, it seemed that the other party was also his teacher in name, although he didn't teach her and Ouyang Huang anything.But when he broke through, they also received some insights and improved their strength, so she reluctantly gave him some spiritual fruits to make his strength even higher!
Thinking of this, Feng Range shook his head helplessly when he looked at Dean Qingwu.

Immediately, he took another hundred non-attribute spiritual fruits and a half bottle of water of life from Shihuang space, put them into a space ring, and handed them to Dean Qingwu.

He said very unceremoniously to him, "Old man, for the sake of you being my teacher and Huang in name but not teaching us anything, the hundred spirit fruits and half bottle of water of life inside here I will give it to you. With these things, don’t put all your expectations on improving your strength, you old man, you still have to practice in a down-to-earth manner! Here it is!”

When he saw the interspatial ring that Feng Range handed to him, and heard her say that it contained a hundred spiritual fruits and a small half bottle of water of life, his eyes lit up!
Then, hearing Feng Range admonishing his teacher as a junior, Dean Qingwu couldn't help but put on airs!

He said to Feng Range, "Smelly girl, you also know that the old man is your teacher! Even if the old man didn't teach you and Ouyang boy, you are also my students. You must know how to respect your teacher, do you know that! No rules, no manners girl!"

Hearing that Dean Qingwu is relying on the old to sell the old at this time, Feng Range just rolled his eyes!Muttered, "Bad old man!"

At this moment, Ouyang Huang, who had been standing by the side without speaking, spoke at this moment, "Let's go! This state has also recovered, so don't delay here any longer!"


"Let's go!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's opening at this time broke the communication between Feng Range and Dean Qingwu, Feng Range and Dean Qingwu were not annoyed, so they nodded in response!

Then, they got off the tree and continued to prepare for the inner circle of the Mingsen Mountains.

Going all the way, with Dean Qingwu together, there is no need for Fengrange and Baqi to use their spiritual sense to explore the road in turn.

It's fine if they don't encounter anything in this journey, but if they encounter some spirit beast or something, they can directly ask Dean Qingwu to take action!
This old man is a long-established strongman on this continent, and it is easy to deal with those little spirit beasts!

As they drove deeper and deeper into the inner circle of the Mingsen Mountains, the spirit beasts they encountered along the way, for some reason, Fengran felt that their situation was the same as that of the original twelve spirits, Galarei and the others. melted.

Regarding this situation, because Feng Range observed from a distance, she didn't check it nearby, so she was not sure, and she didn't tell Dean Qingwu and the others.

In this way, the further you go, the more and more spirit beasts you encounter, and it can be seen that these spirit beasts seem to be more manic than the ones they encountered at the beginning. The doubts in Feng Range's heart Even more aggravated!
Could it be that the spirit beasts in the Dark Forest Mountains were really demonized by demon energy, just like the twelve spirits Galarei and the others?

After being silent for a long time, Feng Range couldn't help but speak to Ouyang Huang, "Huang, do you realize that the condition of these spirit beasts is very similar to that of Galarei and the others at that time, and they seem to have been The demonic energy has been demonized..."

"Demonized by demonic energy?"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening, along with Ouyang Huang, Dean Qingwu and Baqi also stopped in their tracks and turned to look at her.

After noticing their gazes, Feng Range pursed her lips slightly at this moment, and then compared what she discovered from the twelve elves and how to get rid of their demon energy when they were on the Azure Continent with Qing Dean Wu said it again.

After hearing what Fengrange said, the old man Qingwu Dean was surprised, "You came from the next outside! No wonder, many forces in this Qingwu City are looking for your origins, Even Xiao Xiao and Xiao Qiu are looking for your clues, but they can't find anything! No wonder..."

Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu are investigating their origins?As soon as Dean Qingwu broke the news about this information room, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang looked at each other in confusion.

They and Ji Xiao and Yang Qiu are not enemies, especially Feng Range helped them, what are they trying to find out about them?Is it necessary to do this?

At this moment, after being silent for a while, Feng Range said to Feng Range again, "Huang, I'm just guessing about this situation for the time being, go catch a spirit beast and let me check it out, see Let's see the exact situation!"

"Okay!" Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Ouyang Huang acted immediately.

There happened to be a spotted leopard not far away from them, and Ouyang Huang quickly flew towards it.

When Ouyang Huang approached the Panther, the Panther, who felt sharp, immediately noticed Ouyang Huang's appearance, and then became hostile to him!
Because Ouyang Huang wanted to directly help Feng Range catch the colorful leopard, so while the colorful leopard was still inspecting and roaring at Ouyang Huang, Ouyang Huang attacked decisively and proactively!

The strength of this colorful leopard is not weak, Ouyang Huang still needs some effort to catch it successfully and send it to Feng Range.

However, beside them, there is still the master Qingwu Dean, and the humanoid beast Baqi.After seeing Ouyang Huang and the Banyan Leopard entangled for a while, they almost defeated the Banyan Leopard. At this moment, Baqi, who didn't want to waste any more time, made a move.

With just one simple blow, the colorful leopard was knocked unconscious!

It didn't make a move early, it didn't make a move late, but at this last moment, Ouyang Huang felt a little speechless...

However, in order not to delay Feng Range's matter, Ouyang Huang didn't say anything.He dragged the fainted Panther from his side, and walked towards Fengrange.

After dragging the colorful leopard in front of Feng Range, as soon as he let go, he left it and walked aside to stand there in a daze!
Seeing the colorful leopard that Ouyang Huang sent in front of her, Feng Range didn't delay much at this time, and just squatted down, drilled her spiritual power and consciousness into the leopard's forehead, and began to investigate The whole body of this colorful leopard is strange...

And after scanning for a short time, Feng Range really found a huge cloud of devilish energy in the body of this colorful leopard!

After discovering this situation, Feng Range was shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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