Phoenix Dance

Chapter 722 Heading to Ruoqing City

Chapter 722 Heading to Ruoqing City

Of all the people sitting in the lobby, Feng Range is certainly not the highest in seniority, but she is the strongest in strength and ability.As long as she doesn't speak now, no one will speak.

If someone wanted to communicate with each other, they would silently not disturb her.

Si Bei is an intelligent person. Although his soul is not complete, it does not affect his other functions.For this reason, when he followed Patriarch Si to Fenghuang Mansion last time, he understood that the person with the highest status in the entire Fenghuang Mansion was Feng Range.

Now he has not seen Ouyang Huang's existence, even if Ouyang Huang is there, everyone's everything revolves around Fengrange.

However, none of them had any malice towards him, and even helped him and his Si family a lot!So, after Feng Range sent someone to Ta Si's house to let him follow them for five years in exchange for raising the soul branch, he agreed!
After Mo Xuan and Mu Heng brought Si Bei to Fenghuang Mansion, Brother Feng Ran and the others waited in the lobby for a long time. When the evening approached, those who went out came back one after another.

Going out this time, because they have been in seclusion for two years, everything outside is fresh.So, when they came back, they bought a lot of things in big and small bags!

Fortunately, there are a few space rings given to them by Fengrange, everyone has at least two or three, and the gold coins given to them are enough, so when they came back, they all had satisfied smiles on their faces !
When they walked in, they were talking about what they bought and how much they bought!
"Master! Master! I bought something delicious for you. This jujube cake is delicious! Master gives it to you, eat and see!"

Although Gao Ying is older than Ran Yun and Ran Yu, and although she has experienced misfortune before, after following Feng Range for nearly four years, she has become very lively and cheerful!
With a box of jujube cakes in her hand, she pushed away everyone around her, and ran towards Feng Range in the lobby.

However, when she was halfway running, when she suddenly saw Si Bei who was sitting with Mo Xuan and Mu Heng, her whole fast-moving figure suddenly stopped!
She turned her head to look at Si Bei, her eyes flickered and her cheeks were slightly red.At this time, she didn't know that she was in a hurry, but she was still shy!

Feng Range could see Gao Ying's reaction, but she was willing to believe that she was shy when she saw Si Bei!

"Xiaoying, didn't you say you want to give jujube cake to Master? Why did you stop when you saw Mr. Si here?" Feng Range naturally understood what Gao Ying's reaction meant.But her apprentice, is it necessary for her to be so obsessed with others and let others dismiss her?

Although Si Bei had a good personality and he didn't underestimate Gao Ying, but Feng Range still didn't want to see her lose her sense of proportion in front of Si Bei and show a demented look.

Hearing Feng Range's words at this time, Gao Ying, who was slightly absent-minded, came back to his senses, and looked up at Feng Range.

"Master, I ate this jujube cake, it's really delicious! Eat it!"

After regaining her senses, Gao Ying was stunned for a while, and then walked up to Feng Range with the jujube cake.She opened the oiled paper wrapped with jujube cake in her hand, and handed it to Feng Range.

Seeing her action, Feng Range reached out and picked up a piece of jujube cake from the oil paper and put it in his mouth.

After chewing it a few times and swallowing it, she said to Gao Ying, "Well, not bad! You can share the rest with the elders, Mo Xuan, your elder brother, and Young Master Si to taste!"

"Yes, Master!" Hearing Feng Range's words, Gao Ying immediately agreed!At the same time, a slight shyness appeared on her small face.

Gao Ying is also a smart child, she knows that Feng Range is giving her a chance to get close to Si Bei properly!

So, she took the jujube cake to several elders first, and gave them a taste one by one.Then, they went to Mo Xuan, Mu Heng and Si Bei!

While Gao Ying was doing this, Feng Range said to everyone who had come back, "Is everything ready for everyone now? Then, we will immediately set off for Ruoqing City! It's not far from here in Qingcheng. I'm leaving now, and I should be able to arrive at noon tomorrow! Mo Xuan, Mu Heng, Mr. Si, Xiaoying, Kayina, Xiaoyun, Xiaoyu and Saranuo, you just stay Let's go outside! For the rest of you, you should stay in the space. After you are done, I will let you go out and have fun. Before, your strength was not high, and you were afraid of danger when you came out. But now, as long as you are not If you act alone, there shouldn't be any problems."

As Feng Range said now, she directly took those people who she didn't intend to let them stay outside into the Shihuang space.

Then, he said to the rest of the people, "Let's go!"

After speaking, she stood up from the main seat, went outside, picked flowers and picked leaves, turned into a big leaf boat that could accommodate more than a dozen people, and jumped on it first!

People who have been with her for a long time are used to Feng Range's move, so they didn't show any surprise!

But it was the first time he saw the newly joined Si Bei, so he was slightly shocked!

It seems that his estimation of Feng Range still underestimated her!
After that, after everyone jumped onto Ye Zhou, Si Bei also jumped onto Ye Zhou with Mu Heng's help.

Before setting off, Feng Range said to Mu Heng, "Mu Heng, Mr. Si's body has just recovered, and he has not yet cultivated his strength. You have to take good care of him! The airflow driven by the next wind speed may not be his. An ordinary body can bear it, you help him block it!"

"Yes, Master!" Hearing Feng Range speak at this moment, Mu Heng immediately responded.And, something has been done!
After seeing Mu Heng and hearing her reminder, he immediately took action against Si Bei.At this time, Feng Range also slowly drove Ye Zhou into the air, and then headed towards Ruoqing City!
After Feng Range's strength improved, she drove Ye Zhou Yuxing even faster!

When their Ye Zhou left Qingwu City, he disappeared quickly like a ray of light passing by.

Almost everyone in Qingwu City was unaware of their departure.If it is said that the only one who knows about this is the Si family.

Perhaps, there is also the old fellow Qingwu Dean who knows...

Feng Range drove Ye Zhou to Ruoqing City quickly. With their current speed, it is estimated that they will arrive in the morning before tomorrow's noon!

(End of this chapter)

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