Phoenix Dance

Chapter 725

Chapter 725
Hearing the two little guys, one sweet and the other cool, Chi Qingyao's originally cold expression softened at this moment!
Then, he said to the two little guys, "Xiaoyu, is it Xiaoyun? You two little guys have good talents! After following your master to the mausoleum to experience and come back, do you want to practice with the master? Follow the master , maybe your strength will catch up with your master soon! You will become as strong as your master!"

When Chi Qingyao was in Shihuang Space, she had actually noticed Ran Yun and Ran Yu for a long time.However, they have never found a suitable opportunity to appear in front of them.

And this time when I saw it by chance, Chi Qingyao suddenly gave birth to these two little disciples who wanted to teach her personally.

This wants to teach their minds, and some elements of it may be that he is a little lonely for so many years.As long as these two little dolls looked cute, he wanted to get closer to them.

As for Feng Range, his real apprentice, he knows how busy she is.So, naturally, I don't want to bother him!
Since the apprentice didn't have time to accompany him, and even his teaching was only for her to practice by herself, then he let his apprentice's apprentice follow him to practice and accompany him!
The temptation that Chi Qingyao threw to Ran Yun and Ran Yu was actually quite big, so after hearing what he said, the two little guys were still a little moved.

Just when the two of them seemed to be in deep thought, staring blankly at Chi Qingyao for a moment of silence, Feng Range spoke!

"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyu, your master was a ghost-level powerhouse before he became what he is now! Since he has offered to teach you now, why are you still hesitating!"

Feng Range suddenly interjected at this time, but actually wanted to mention Ran Yun and Ran Yu on purpose.

Sure enough, after Feng Range spoke, the two little guys turned their heads to look at her, and then made some moves.

"Master, that's a deal! When my sister and I come back from Wu Zun's tomb, I will come to you!"

"Master, that's what we agreed on, you can't be sloppy! You're not good at being sloppy!"

At this moment, the two brothers and sisters bowed to Chi Qingyao, and then spoke playfully!

Hearing the playful words of the two children at this time, Chi Qingyao didn't think there was anything wrong with them.He nodded and replied, "Okay! The master is waiting for you to come back!"

Chi Qingyao saw that Ran Yun and Ran Yu really liked the two little guys, so when she looked at them, she smiled and looked soft.

Because Chi Qingyao is a soul body, it's not easy to stay outside for a long time.For this reason, after finishing the last sentence with the two little guys, he paused and went back to the original space to stay.

Seeing Chi Qingyao disappearing so suddenly, Ran Yun and Ran Yu were stunned...

Feng Range didn't pay much attention to the two children's ecstasy at this time.Because at this time, she noticed that the people she had sent out to find Wu Zun's tomb had returned.

Because they knew that Feng Range was waiting for news from them at this moment, they didn't deliberately knock on the door when they entered.

After entering the room, Bai Jing said, "We found out in the restaurant that the tomb of Wu Zun is located in the depression on the west side of the city five miles away. There are many poisonous substances there. We want to get close to it." Over there, you need to make a lot of preparations in advance, otherwise you will be in trouble if you encounter poisoning or something!"

After Bai Jing finished speaking, the rest of the people also reported to Feng Range one by one.The situation on each of them is actually similar to that on Bai Jing's side.Therefore, after listening to all their reports, Feng Range confirmed that the location of Wu Zun's tomb should be in the col hill five miles outside the city!

Then, she said to everyone, "Since we already know the location, here are forty detoxification pills, each of you take two, and then we will set off there!"

Feng Range had refined a lot of elixirs when he was on the Azure Continent, and almost all the elixirs used for cultivation had been used by them.But she still has a lot of those special pills here.

Just like this detoxification pill, there is a lot of poison in the place they are going now, and it is just right to use it now!

Seeing that she brought out two small porcelain bottles, they took them one after another, and then poured two detoxification pills for each of them as Feng Range said.

At the same time they took the detoxification pill, Feng Range also took two pills.

Although her current strength is not low, her body has not been trained in a special way like in her previous life, reaching the level of being invulnerable to all poisons.

After she also took the elixir, she asked everyone in front of her, "Are you all ready? This trip may encounter great danger, which may kill you at any time! If you are ready , let's go!"

"We are ready!"

"lets go!"

Everyone present was not a coward. After hearing Feng Range's call, they all expressed that they were ready!Moreover, their looks look so eager to try!
So, Feng Range said loudly to them, "Then let's go!"





Responding to Feng Range's call, they left the room one after another.

After they arrived in the yard, Feng Range called out some people from the space bracelet, and asked them to take good care of Ouyang and the others while they were away.

After receiving Feng Range's order, they obeyed and hid in the dark one by one, ready to protect secretly!

After seeing that the people she arranged quickly started to act, Feng Range narrowed her gaze at this moment, and immediately prepared to leave the small courtyard with the people behind her.

Knowing the complexity of the people in the city, Feng Range directly picked flowers and turned leaves into a leaf boat this time, and then directly lifted off from the small courtyard to a high altitude where ordinary practitioners' spiritual sense could not detect, towards that Went to the tomb of Chu Wuzun...

Feng Range's Ye Zhou Yuxing is very fast, especially after her strength has improved.It's almost a blink of an eye for this five-mile journey.

Because they had already taken the antidote pill earlier, they didn't need to worry about the poison surrounding the entrance of the mausoleum below hurting them at this moment.

Once Feng Range arrived here, she checked everything below with her spiritual sense.She discovered that the people who arrived at Wu Zun's tomb ahead of time were not the first wave of people.

Down here, there are at least seven or eight waves of people.However, because of the obstruction of the poison, they did not find the opportunity to enter the mausoleum.

(End of this chapter)

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