Phoenix Dance

Chapter 740 Trading, Saving the Tree of Life

Chapter 740 Trading, Saving the Tree of Life

However, after he was stunned for a while, he came back to his senses!Then, she asked Feng Range, "Dear nobleman, what do you want?"

"I want to borrow the promotion altar of your elves, is it possible?"

After hearing that the Elf King took the initiative to answer the conversation at this time, Feng Range also took the initiative to reply.

At this moment, after hearing Feng Range's request, the Elf King was stunned again!

Borrowing the promotion altar?Is she really the one that the grown-up got?
The Elf King didn't answer Feng Range's words at this time, he looked at Feng Range blankly, and seemed to recall something at this moment...

While the Elf King was staring at Feng Range in a daze, Feng Range was also looking at him fixedly, waiting for his answer!

In this way, after the elf king was in a daze for a while, he came back to his senses, and said to Feng Range, "Your request, I agree to your request on behalf of the entire elf family, and I will take you there Look at the problem with the Tree of Life!"

"Well, good!" Hearing the Elf King's promise at this time, Feng Range nodded and agreed to his next arrangement!

So, Feng Range and the other two followed the Elf King and wandered around the inside of the Tree of Life.

The problem with the tree of life was at the root. The place where the Elf King took them now was to go to the root of the tree of life.

After passing through a corridor and a room, they began to walk down a staircase!

Although this staircase doesn't look dark, it has no end in sight, so Feng Range doesn't know how long it will take them to reach the bottom.

They walked all the way, because they were not in a hurry, so they walked at a leisurely pace.

When walking halfway, Feng Range spoke again at this time, "Elf King, the elves of your elf family, after I just arrived here, I found that they have become violent. This situation is related to the tree of life. Does the situation matter?"

Hearing Feng Range's question at this time, the Elf King's eyes flickered slightly.Then, he said to Feng Range, "Well, this is indeed related to the tree of life! As long as we solve the problem of the tree of life this time, the problems of the elves will be solved!"

"Well, if this is the case, there is no need to deal with them specially!"

Hearing the Elf King's answer, Feng Range responded again, and then fell silent.

After speaking silently, they continued to head towards the root of the tree of life. After walking for about half an hour, they finally reached the bottom.

Once there, Feng Range immediately felt a familiar aura.It is the breath of the black vortex!It's magic energy!Most of the roots of the tree of life were soaked in demon energy. After seeing this situation, Feng Range frowned slightly!

After she was slightly dazed for a while, she said to the Elf King, "Elf King, if you want to completely get rid of this evil energy, you can use the water of life. You must first remove this evil energy." It must be burnt and burnt to silence!"

"Fenji? Wouldn't this also burn the tree of life? How can this be done!"

Hearing Fengrange said that to get rid of the devilish energy, he had to burn the devilish energy with fire. Upon hearing this, as the guardian of the tree of life, the king of elves was not calm!
What if the tree of life is accidentally burned by burning the demon energy with fire!

And Fengrange, when he heard what he said at this time, he pursed his lips slightly and said, "My flame is the fire of purifying spirits, which can calcine the devil energy, and will not hurt the tree of life! Are you Ask me to help, now that you are so opposed, is it possible that you don't need my help?"

Feng Range has always been an independent person, now the Elf King asked her for help, but opposed her, Feng Range was a little annoyed immediately!
She spoke coldly, and a single word shocked the Elf King.

Seeing her displeasure at this moment, the Elf King clicked his tongue and didn't know what to say...

Just like that, they disagreed for a while, and it was difficult to continue to the next step, so there was a stalemate!

This stalemate lasted for a long time. After watching Fengrange for a long time, the Elf King sighed and asked, "My lord, your flame is really good!" Won’t it hurt the Tree of Life? If that’s the case, burn the devilish energy according to your wishes!”

If the Elf King does not compromise Feng Range this time, then as soon as Feng Range turns around and leaves, the elves waiting for them will be truly destroyed!
Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the Elf King is still willing to choose Feng Range!After all, she wanted to use the altar of advancement of the elves, and it would be of no benefit to her if the elves' holy relics were destroyed!
After thinking about this point, the Elf King was willing to let Feng Range do as she wanted.

Hearing the consent of the Elf King at this time, Feng Range didn't take any action immediately.Instead, after waiting for a while, she sacrificed the fire of spiritual purification in her body, and began to burn the devilish energy coiled on the tree of life.

At the same time, in order to protect the last remaining life of the tree of life, Feng Range drew a large amount of water of life from the space of the beginning to irrigate the tree of life.

Simple Fengrange's two-pronged behavior at this time, the Elf King, Sakir, and his guards stood aside and watched quietly!
The devilish energy on this tree of life is the same as the devilish energy in the bodies of Galarei and others earlier, but since the tree of life is a plant, it is still quite laborious to get rid of the devilish energy entangled in its roots of!
When Feng Range first started, he didn't know how to start.In this way, after groping for a long time, she found an opportunity, and the flame of purification that controlled her was entangled like the devilish energy with one blow.

Feng Range's Spiritual Purification Fire is very domineering, and it specializes in attacking evil things. As soon as the demonic energy encounters it, it immediately spreads out and runs away!
Seeing this situation, Feng Range immediately drove her flames and demon energy to chase after me!

With Fengrange's current strength, it's quite easy to deal with the demon energy that is not attached to the tree of life!

After the magic energy left the skin of the tree of life, Feng Range drove the fire of the spirit purification, caught up with it in a short while, and then directly distributed multiple strands of fire ropes of purification spirit to outflank the magic energy in a short while. Burned out!

Because there were a lot of demonic energy, Feng Range spent a lot of time afterwards before getting rid of all the demonic energy.

After the demonic energy was eliminated, the water of life was irrigated again, and the dying tree of life exuded powerful vitality again at this time!
When he sensed what happened, the Elf King was so shocked that he didn't know what to say...

Tree of Life, all right?alright……

(End of this chapter)

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