Phoenix Dance

Chapter 745 Searching for the Mermaid Island

Chapter 745 Searching for the Mermaid Island
When Feng Range saw her reaction at this time, he was even more speechless!

Who said that good-looking people must be mermaids?Fengrange just went to the elf clan before, and there are many girl elves in that clan, who are very beautiful and beautiful!There are also many stunning ones!However, there are not many who can be compared with Feng Range!
It is also for this reason that it is understandable that this little girl would mistake Feng Range for a mistake.

However, she was a little puzzled by what Ran Yu and Gao Ying said to her, so Feng Range reached out to push Ran Yu and Gao Ying away.

Then, he took another step, squatted down, looked at the little girl and said to her, "I am not a mermaid of the mermaid family, I am a human race like you. But I will go to the island of mermaids next, you There will be a chance to meet a real mermaid in the future!"

Hearing Feng Range speak to her at this time, the little girl raised her eyes and stared straight at Feng Range.Her eyes flickered, looking forward to it!

So, after staring at Feng Range in a daze for a while, he nodded heavily!He said to Feng Range, "Sister is really beautiful! You are like a mermaid in my mind!"

Hearing that the little girl spoke innocently at this time, Feng Range's eyes slightly curved up, revealing a very charming smile!

Seeing Feng Range actually laughed at this moment, the little girl became even more excited when she saw this, and began to shout, "My sister is so beautiful! My sister is so beautiful when she smiles! My sister really looks like a mermaid!"

Hearing the little girl shouting excitedly at this time, the other people passing by the roadside stopped and watched like Feng Range and his group at this moment!
Because Feng Range smiled at the little girl, she didn't restrain herself immediately.And when her smile fell into the eyes of other people, they were all dumbfounded!

It's so beautiful!like a fairy...

Regarding the eyes of everyone, when some people showed eager and greedy eyes to her, Feng Range noticed it at this time!
Then, her expression changed, and she returned to her previous indifference.He said one last word to the little girl in front of him, "Little sister, we still have things to do, so let's go first!"

Said, this time she didn't bother with the little girl anymore, she just took Ran Yu, Bai Jing and the others walked around her...

Seeing that they left almost without looking back, the little girl just froze in place.Then, not long after, her mother ran over and took her away!

After Feng Range and the others parted ways with the little girl, they continued to walk on the streets of Mingling Kingdom.They discovered that the Mingling Kingdom, the Cangsen Kingdom, and the Mingqing Kingdom are three kingdoms, but the land area of ​​the three kingdoms is the largest in the Mingqing Kingdom, with the most cities!As for the Cangsen Kingdom, apart from having a large jungle half the size of the Mingsen Mountains as their homeland, they also have Shuoyun Peak and the peak of the elves on the peak.And Ming Ling Country is even worse, only the seaside city where they are wandering now, there is a boundless sea left!
Although Feng Range, a citizen of Cangsen Kingdom, hadn't seen it, for some reason, she had a faint feeling that among the three countries, Mingling Kingdom should have the smallest population!
How many people can be accommodated in a city?There are no less than a thousand people in Mingqing country, but there should be only a few hundred people here!
But even so, it has not had any impact on the stability of the three countries.It's as if there is a pair of dark hands in the dark, manipulating the balance here.

For this kind of feeling, Feng Range had this feeling when she arrived in Cangsen country last time and saw that the country was not big, and at the same time saw the mysterious old man guiding the way!
Thinking of this, Feng Range raised her head slightly, looking at the sky above her head.Is there really a pair of invisible hands there, manipulating the peace of this continent...

Afterwards, Feng Range came back to his senses, and continued walking with Ran Yu, Bai Jing and the others.

Because Ming Ling Kingdom is not a big country, Feng Range and the others visited the whole city after walking around.In the middle, I don't know if I was out of place with Mo Xuan and the others, and I didn't meet them.

While walking and watching, Feng Range deliberately noticed where the biggest restaurant is, so they should go to Mo Xuan and the others next!

So, Feng Range then took Bai Jing and the others towards the restaurant.

The restaurant is not far from where they are now, so it doesn't take much time for Feng Range and the others to walk there.

However, just as they stepped into the restaurant, Feng Range's figure froze, and a familiar voice came from her ear...

"Girl, we met here again! Okay, come up to the old man and do it with me!"

It was the voice of the old man whose strength was unfathomable, even much higher than hers!Why is he here!After hearing the old man's voice, Feng Range immediately recognized who he was!
At this moment, she looked up to the second floor of the restaurant, and sure enough, she saw that familiar figure at a window.It really is him!
Seeing the old man sitting at the window of the clothes list on the second floor, holding a small wine glass and sipping the wine, Feng Range's eyes froze for a moment!
Then, he turned his head and confessed to the people behind him, "Next, go and find Mo Xuan and the others by yourself! Then, I'll go see that old man if you want to eat whatever you want!"

See the old man?After hearing Feng Range's opening at this time, following her gaze, Bai Jing and the others also saw the old man sitting at the window on the second floor drinking.

They stared fixedly at the old man for a long time, and after confirming that Feng Range knew him and would not hurt Feng Range,

He just nodded and agreed that Feng Range would go forward!

"Go! Come and find us when you're done."

"Yeah!" Then, Feng Range went to the second floor...

"Girl, we meet again! Please sit down!" When Feng Range walked up to the second floor and walked in front of the old man, he raised his head and spoke with a friendly smile!

Hearing the old man's words, Feng Range sat down according to his intention!
However, after sitting down, she immediately said, "Old man, last time you showed me where the Elf Peak is. Are you going to show me where the Mermaid Island is again this time?"

"Hahaha! Girl, it seems that you really came here to find the mermaid island!" Hearing Feng Range's words, the old man burst out laughing!
Seeing his reaction at this time, Feng Range was speechless!
This old man really knows how to pretend, doesn't he know that she will come here?If so, she really wouldn't believe it!

(End of this chapter)

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