Phoenix Dance

Chapter 753

Chapter 753

At this time, Feng Range was full of doubts in his heart, so he continued to go forward with Haiwang!
As they got closer to the sea area where the black air mass existed, they felt that evil aura became stronger.At the same time, along the way, they encountered more and more ordinary creatures that had been demonized.

As soon as those creatures sensed Fengrange's breath, they showed an attacking posture towards her.But, there is still a sea king beside Feng Range, even if the sea creature is demonized, it is also a sea creature, and they still instinctively fear and admire the sea king who is in charge of this sea!
Therefore, with Neptune by Fengrange's side, those creatures who want to attack Fengrange can only put on a posture at this time, and there will be no substantive actions.

They continued to move forward, and after walking about two kilometers, they finally saw a huge black air mass!
As soon as the cloud of black air appeared in front of them, Haiwang pointed to the cloud of black air and said to Feng Range, "Miss Feng, this is the cloud of black air! It should be demonic energy! Before, Ben The king once sealed it in the enchantment with a water curtain enchantment. But for some reason, the enchantment suddenly burst three years ago! Then, the king wanted to set up a water curtain enchantment again, but no matter what I can't do it anymore! Hey! This sea area has become what it is now..."

Neptune is the master of this sea area, and this sea area is also his home.Seeing that everything here is not like the scene he saw before, it has become like the abyss of the dead sea, it makes him feel deeply heartbroken!

His eyes, when he came here and saw the scene in front of him and Feng Range, were stained with an indelible melancholy.If the situation in this sea area is not under control, then other sea areas... Sea King can't imagine that all the sea areas under his control have turned into a scene of the abyss of the Dead Sea. He will feel that this is his sin. !

Hearing Hai Wang's slightly angry and helpless voice, Feng Range turned to look at him.

Then, he said, "This black air mass is demonic air. If it is on land, I will use my flame to burn it up and devour it! However, we are in the depths of the sea right now, and we want to get rid of this black air mass." If the group of demonic energy is eliminated, we may have to think of other ways!"

"Think of another way! Do you have any other ways?"

I heard Feng Range say that the demonic air mass was easy to deal with, but since they are here in the deep sea, it is not easy to deal with it, so I have to think of other ways!At this time, Hai Wang originally had some expectations for Feng Range, but he became a little disappointed again!
The problem of the mermaid island is actually the same as the root problem of the top of the elves, but due to the geographical problem, the situation of the mermaid island is a bit difficult to solve!

However, although Feng Range said that it was not easy to solve, he didn't say that there was no way to solve it at all.For this kind of imagination that is almost self-comforting, Neptune, who is still in a depressed mood at the moment, barely has a trace of supporting belief.

When hearing Haiwang's question at this time, Feng Range didn't answer him.Her eyes were already attracted by the tacit agreement, and she couldn't help but walk towards the ball of devilish energy!
Regarding Feng Range's actions at this time, Haiwang has been paying attention to her all the time, so he naturally noticed it.

Because she didn't know what Feng Range wanted to do when she got close to the devil's air mass at this moment, so she also stood aside and didn't disturb her.

Just as Feng Range was approaching the demonic energy step by step, Feng Range suddenly remembered that when she was in Ruoqing City, she had absorbed a cloud of demonic energy in the so-called Wu Zun's tomb.

It was also because of absorbing that cloud of devilish energy that her strength improved even more!

But now, the demonic energy in front of her is actually not as powerful as the demonic energy she swallowed before!If she wants to swallow this cloud of devilish energy right now, she should be able to!

Thinking about it this way, Feng Range stretched out her hand towards the cloud of devilish energy with the attitude of giving it a try, and then used the exercises she practiced, trying to inhale the cloud of devilish energy into her body .

Hai Wang, who had been standing aside and watching Feng Range quietly, suddenly saw that Feng Range was about to make a move, so he immediately widened his eyes and watched intently!
Feng Range is a distinguished guest of the other mermaid clan, and also the savior of his daughter Ai Luo.Asking her to help their mermaid clan at this moment is already neglecting the guests.Now that Feng Range has made a move again, Hai Wang must always be vigilant to ensure Feng Range's safety!

If something happened to Feng Range, let alone his daughter Ai Luo would not forgive him!Even the Elf King, who is far away on the top of the elves, will never spare Feng Range for his kindness to their clan.

At this time, Hai Wang, who was standing there without moving, took a few steps forward and came to Feng Range's side.He fainted from his skills, and if Feng Range was in danger, he would directly protect her!

However, when he was full of vigilance, he saw that the kung fu practiced by Feng Range was absorbing the cloud of devilish energy into his body little by little.As for the demon energy absorbed into her body, it was suppressed by the power of the two bloodlines in her body and transformed into her own power.

After going back and forth, she absorbed more and more demonic energy into her body, and the external demonic energy cluster became smaller and smaller, but she was indeed fine at all!

When seeing this situation continue to happen, Neptune, who was standing next to her with a look of guard, was stunned and didn't know how to express his surprise!
A human race is actually sucking magic energy!And it's okay after absorbing it, it's transformed into its own power!What kind of situation is this!
Who is this Miss Feng?How could she have such magical power!Could it be...she is from that clan?
After seeing Fengrange's unusualness, Haiwang also faintly had some speculation and interest in Fengrange's identity.

It's just that he didn't ask Feng Range about this matter, it's too reckless!How disrespectful too!
If possible, Neptune thought, maybe after the current situation of the mermaid island is completely stabilized, he can go to the top of the elves and ask the elf king!
Since the Elf King was able to hand over the green crystal token representing his identity to Feng Range, it must be because he knew a little about her identity!

Just when King Hai was thinking about his own affairs in a daze, Feng Range slowly absorbed the cloud of demonic energy.Then, I sat down and meditated!
 happy New Year to all!Happy Year of the Rooster!Thank you for your support to Axi in the past year. I have added a little more content in the past two days. I don’t know if it will be finished at the end of the month.However, Ah Xi will work hard in 2017, and will work hard to improve his writing skills and bring more beautiful works to everyone!Everyone, let's work hard in 2017!Ashi also cheers!

(End of this chapter)

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