Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 190 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 190 The Unexpected Incident
Therefore, he can only make himself stronger, so strong that she can see him again.

Liao Sponge panicked and felt insecure, because his intuition told him that if he didn't contribute any more, he would be abandoned and become a lonely child.

The kind of orphan who can be bullied at any time while walking on the road.

"Okay, you call Meng Lun to get ready, and we will set off in three or ten minutes." Lu Nanqi said.

She originally planned to take them out to fight zombies these few days, and then dig out the crystal cores to see if she can advance to the third level while promoting Lu Li.

When Liao Sponge heard this, he immediately became excited, and a smile appeared on his face, "Okay, I'll call Mommy Meng right now."

Lu Nanqi searched around again, his expression darkened suddenly, "Where's Lu Li?"

Ming Shu wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I don't see you in the house, I guess I should go to find that child Wei Yuan early in the morning."

When Meng Lun came out of the room, Lu Nanqi asked again, "When did Lu Li go out?"

Meng Lun looked puzzled, "Why, he didn't come back all night, I thought you knew where he went."

Lu Nan pursed her lips and went straight to the next door.

There are all the residences of the relevant personnel of the base, and the conditions are much better than hers. It is a single-family house.

The room is not very big, but everyone can live in a separate room. Huo Ping, Du Bing, Niu Weiyuan, Jia Baihang, and Tan Lei all live in it.

They all knew Lu Nanqi, so when she came in, no one stopped her.

Tan Lei was eating steamed buns for breakfast in the living room. As soon as he saw her coming, he knew why she was here. He bit the steamed bun and said vaguely, "Come to find Lu Li."

"Which room is Wei Yuan's?" Lu Nanqi's expression was still gloomy.

Anyone with a wink can see that something is wrong.

"In..." Tan Lei pointed to Niu Weiyuan's room, and seeing Lu Nanqi's unsuspecting expression, his heart skipped a beat. He didn't dare to say any more, and subconsciously put away his hands in a hurry.

But it was too late, Lu Nanqi had already seen the direction he was pointing, stepped forward involuntarily, reached out and twisted the doorknob.

Seeing Lu Li sleeping peacefully on the bed, she breathed a sigh of relief, but when she thought of him leaving them without saying a word, without even saying where he was going, the unknown fire burned in her chest again.

As soon as Huo Ping came out of the room, he saw Lu Nanqi's menacing figure.

"What's going on?" He looked at Tan Lei and asked, he had already caught up with Lu Nanqi, and quickly stood behind Lu Nanqi.

"Who knows." Tan Lei shrugged, out of curiosity, he bit a steamed bun and joined in the fun to follow.

Standing at the door of the room, looking at the scene in the room, he was so shocked that he forgot to bite the steamed bun in his mouth.

In the room, Niu Weiyuan and Lu Li were sleeping in each other's arms. Their clothes were scattered all over the room. Look at the traces of ambiguity left between them.

It is self-evident what happened that night.

Too tired, the two on the bed didn't notice Lu Nanqi's arrival at all.

It wasn't until she approached, picked up Lu Li's clothes one by one on the ground, and threw them directly on him, that the two people on the bed finally reacted.

Lu Li sat up from the bed in amazement, seeing Lu Nanqi close at hand, he was stunned for an instant, and after realizing that he saw Huo Ping and Tan Lei behind her, he felt the blood all over his body rushing to his face , he was so dry that he wished he could bump his head to death.


Niu Weiyuan looked at the few people who appeared in the room with sleepy eyes, but he was not panicked like Lu Li, and he was confident from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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