Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 192 I Don't Need You

Chapter 192 I Don't Need You

"What do you think I'm doing?" Lu Nanqi took a sudden step forward. Lu Li flinched and sat back on the bed. She looked at him condescendingly, and Lu Li felt that he was breathing heavily.

She gave her a vicious look and continued, "Tell me yourself, when did you leave the residence, and who did you remind, or even leave a message for?"

Lu Li was taken aback for a moment, he had already understood.

Before he left, he didn't leave a message with them, because he thought he would go back after only coming for a while, so he didn't tell them.

It's just that the development of things later exceeded his expectations. Who would have thought that after he confessed to Niu Weiyuan that his sister found out what happened between them, not only did he not think of a way, but instead he directly stayed with him.

He wanted to leave, so he directly pressed him on the bed, without giving him the slightest chance to struggle.

They also saw what it turned into later on.

In front of Niu Weiyuan, he is just a little rabbit waiting to be slaughtered, and he will never be able to beat his big bad wolf.

What can he do, he is also very helpless.

But before leaving, it is true that he did not inform everyone first.

Lu Li realized his mistake and realized that his sister ran over in a hurry just because she was worried about him.

It's just that he was also angry, and what he said would naturally not be pleasant.

"As for yourself, every time you leave, when do you explain clearly to everyone?" He was aggressive, stood up from the bed suddenly, and pushed Lu Nanqi away, "Every time you go out, you never You will never tell us where you are going, it will always be mysterious, and we are not even sure whether you can come back after you go out like this! You always walk alone, do whatever you think of, never He will discuss with us, what is a family, family members should share weal and woe, what are you doing! You are like this yourself, what qualifications do you have to teach me."

Lu Nanqi was unprepared. Being pushed by him, he staggered a few steps, and his back directly hit Huo Ping's chest behind him.

"Be careful." Huo Ping gave her a hand and supported her.

Du Bing was standing beside them, and at a glance, it seemed that Huo Ping was embracing her from behind, and he was silently intimacy.

He narrowed his eyes, and his eyes darkened slightly.

"So, I'm not qualified to control you now?" Lu Nanqi sneered, but this time he was really angry.

"I don't need you!" Lu Li roared.

Lu Nanqi laughed back angrily, "Yeah, why should I care about you, whether you live or die, that's all your business! I'm nothing, so I have no right to care about you! My brain is blocked If the donkey kicks, I will worry about your comfort all day long!"

"Damn me!" She kicked the table next to her angrily, then turned and left without looking back.

Lu Li hastily followed two steps, and subconsciously reached out to grab Lu Nanqi, but in the end he chose to stop.

If he chases after him at this time, it will only annoy his sister even more.

After Lu Nanqi left, the room fell into a stalemate again.

After a while, Huo Ping opened his mouth to break the silence, "Your sister is not the kind of person who doesn't understand things. I think she just came here because she was worried about you, and she didn't want to question you."

"I know." Lu Li was bald and crippled.

It is because I know that I feel uneasy.

She promised him not to interfere in his relationship, so she did it, she didn't come to stop him from being with Niu Weiyuan.

It was he who took the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

 There are five updates every day this week. I promise that everyone’s updates will be done. The more updates will be made in the future, my dear, please support me, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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