Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 201 She is very scheming and thick-skinned

Chapter 201 She is very scheming and thick-skinned

It is too troublesome to hide and tuck, at least it is difficult to hold something.

It won't pose any threat to her if it explodes now, and when it does in the future, when her wood-type abilities are upgraded high enough, she won't have to taboo against those who are uneasy and well-intentioned.

Mu He helped her a lot in her previous life, so she made a move this time to repay his favor.

"Don't worry, as soon as I get the supplies, I will return them to you immediately." Mu He said.

What he said made Lu Nanqi feel ashamed. If he didn't paint him, he would get nothing in return. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to lighten her psychological burden.

Owing too many people always feels like a burden.

Du Bing, Feng Hui, Mu He...the more people from the past she saw, the more they irritated her, telling her all the time what a waste she was in her previous life.

Therefore, she has to work hard to pay back what she owes to these people, and so far say goodbye to her useless self in the past.

The two scratched people were locked in the observation room.

Mu He and the others entered the base smoothly.

Seeing that they knew Lu Nanqi, the staff wisely arranged the residence of the three of them next door to Lu Nanqi.

Lu Nanqi politely said to Mu He to have a good rest, and went straight back to his room without further ado.

When Chen Xiaochen saw this new man, he felt uneasy in his heart. He looked at Lu Nanqi with such straightforward eyes that he was not reserved at all. He was pouring out his feelings and love for her every moment.

This man is very scheming and has a thick skin!
When Chen Xiaochen came down, he had only this impression of Mu He.

He was full of a sense of crisis, and only felt that the relationship with Lu Nanqi would be lost. If he was not careful and seized the time to stand beside her, he would soon be snatched away and moved!
Thinking that Mu He lived next door, Chen Xiaochen felt more and more uneasy, knocked on the door of Lu Nanqi's room overnight, called Chen Xiaobao out, and let her peep into Lu Nanqi's thoughts with a solemn expression.

See if there is a man she likes in her heart, and who is that man!
This method is a bit lacking, but if he doesn't know the truth, his whole heart will be uneasy, he can't hide his thoughts, and he will go crazy when he has thoughts and things he can't figure out.

Chen Xiaobao looked down on his integrity very much, with a look of contempt on his face, "If you like it, say it boldly, seeing how cowardly you are, it's no wonder Seventh Sister is not attracted to you."

"Well, stop talking, I know what you mean!" Chen Xiaochen became bald in an instant, he knew that Lu Nanqi didn't like him, she was his sister after all, can you stop being so ruthless to him?
"You deserve to be single, such a stupid man, who would like it!" Chen Xiaobao rolled his eyes, went back to the house with disgust, and left Chen Xiaochen alone in the empty yard.That's what I said, but when I entered the room and saw Lu Nanqi lying on the bed in a daze, she still couldn't help asking, "Sister Qi, are the three men who came back with you your friends?" ?”

Lu Nanqi didn't return.

Chen Xiaobao leaned over, and was about to reach out to find out what she was thinking.

Before touching his hand, Lu Nanqi shot Xiao Sha's eyes, "Don't get distracted!"

As soon as she gave her a warning, Chen Xiaobao's heart skipped a few beats, he became obedient, and went to sleep on his own bed wisely, not daring to cling to her anymore.

You can see that she is in a gloomy mood, very bad.

It's just that it happened suddenly, and no one offended her, so why?
Although Chen Xiaobao is very curious, he is also very insightful.

Lu Nanqi is like this, how could she foolishly approach her to make her feel disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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