Chapter 203
"Speaking of it, is it because I didn't save you?" Lu Nanqi laughed, and slowly approached the man with a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with coldness, "Tell me, Who is going to kill me first?"

The man stepped back with difficulty, and there was no sound.

"Huh?" Lu Nanqi was surprisingly patient, stepped forward again, and stood in front of the man.

Looking straight into his eyes calmly, he urged in a low voice, "Say it."

The man was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

Lu Nanqi laughed, like a naughty child, her voice was soft and delicate, and she was innocent, "I'm not a scourge, so it's possible that I'll eat you, why are you so afraid?"

The man secretly clenched his fists, and finally mustered up his courage, "Even if the captain strikes at you first, you still can't kill him!"

"Shouldn't he be dead enough?" Lu Nanqi's expression darkened suddenly, and the spatial dagger was thrown out, stabbing the man straight.

The man dodged again and again, but after three moves, Lu Nanqi still scratched his arm, he was furious, "You crazy woman, you still want to kill me, there are so many people in the base, you think you can escape by killing me Got it!"

Lu Nanqi put away the knife without slowing down, "How do you feel, are you particularly angry? Do you also want to kill the person who wants to kill you? Your captain wants to kill me, so can I still have revenge , not only to forgive him, but also to save him?"

The man was speechless for a moment.

Lu Nanqi twirled the dagger, and said bluntly, "Yes, I killed your captain. In your eyes, I am just a woman, a woman who will die at any time. I am useless, except for one space, to eat and wait to die I'm a woman. Today, I'll just leave my words here. Anyone who thinks it's too long and wants to kill me can come, and I, Lu Nanqi, will accompany me to the end! And those who want to slander me... the chance of my knife seeing blood was originally Just as many, I don’t mind a few more.”

Staring at no one and heartless.

This is infuriating.

But no one dared to approach her to argue.

Anyone who meets someone who wants to kill him will be angry and angry, and he will definitely fight back.

Although she killed someone, it was not unforgivable.

If the death of the captain is justifiable, what about the deaths of the others.

The young woman holding the child pointed at her angrily, "They died only after they went out with you. How dare you say that you have no responsibility at all!"

"Is it a joke?" Lu Nanqi looked at the woman coolly, "Tell me, did I form a team with them, or begged them to take me, or did they die because they saved me? How did the others die? , shouldn't you seriously ask those lucky people who came back? Tsk tsk, you don't know how miserable your family members died, being thrown to the ground by zombies, screaming in pain, they stretched out their hands to what they called My good brother asked for help, but how did their good brother do it? Let me think about it..."

The man next to him was already breaking out in cold sweat, and he couldn't calm down completely, "You killed them, it was you who killed them, how long do you want to spray blood on people!"

"Ah... I thought of it." Lu Nanqi laughed, "Their so-called good brothers broke off their fingers one by one, kicked them into the pile of zombies, and then hid in the car , watched them being eaten alive by zombies, and finally died miserably. It is really very kind and righteous to send them a ride."

"You crazy woman, I'll kill you right now!" The man became furious.

(End of this chapter)

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