Chapter 205 Support Her

There are many shameless people in this world, and it's not the first time she has seen shameless people like them.

Once you've seen it, you're used to it.

The solution to lack of human support is simple, one word, kill.

"That's because you didn't want supplies, so we picked them up after you!" The man lay on the ground, spitting blood.

Lu Nanqi went over and stepped on the man's back, "Did I say, don't follow me!"

"Then who knew you were going to such a dangerous place!" The man was still arguing.

"So it's still my fault?" Lu Nanqi sneered, and stomped on the man's back again.

The man's face was covered with blood, and his nose and eyes were bleeding from the shock. He spat out a second mouthful of blood, and lay completely motionless on the ground.

"Who else thinks it's wrong for me not to be this Bodhisattva? Come on, I'll be here to accompany you today." Lu Nanqi narrowed her eyes and glanced coldly at the group of women, "Reluctant to part with your family? I don't I would like to send you to reunite."

The crowd was in an uproar, and even the voice saying that she was not, gradually died down until it disappeared.

No one dared to say anything about her, they were all afraid that if they offended her, they would end up like these two people on the ground.

"How can you kill a thousand knives, how can you be so cruel, the zombies are not enough to kill us, now even the compatriots have to kill each other!" Another woman threw herself on the ground and cried.

"If it wasn't for them to fight first, if it wasn't for you to come over and make trouble, how could they be injured now?" Mu He sighed deeply, "Compatriots shouldn't kill each other, if you didn't think about killing her first, All of the following things will not follow. Don’t be dissatisfied, the truth has been revealed, what are you trying to make trouble? You can be glad that a few people are still alive, but you want to make everyone die in the end Are you willing to do so?"

Yes, all will die.

They want to play, and she plays with them.

So, it is already very polite.

Not everyone can do such considerate fulfillment and considerate service.

The woman suddenly crawled up to Huo Ping, crying and complaining to him about Lu Nanqi, "Did you see that, she killed someone, killed my child, you are the person in charge of the base, you have to uphold justice for us !"

Huo Ping frowned, walked slowly to the center, stood in front of Lu Nanqi, and watched her silently for a while.

Just when everyone thought he was going to execute her.

He finally spoke, but he said what they thought was a complete reversal, "The truth is clear, this is justice, are you willing to give the lives of those who died? She is not your someone , and have no obligation to protect your safety. This is not a peaceful and prosperous age. When you leave the gate of the base, life and death are up to you. Everyone who walks out of the base is fully prepared mentally. If you die this time It's her, and her family makes trouble with you, what do you think? Are you going to pay her life too?"

No one expected him to say such a thing, and they were all stunned for a moment.

Huo Ping's voice was neither light nor heavy, and he continued: "She didn't team up with you, and you made things up like this. In the future, everyone will die outside in an accident and blame the people around you like you. Who would dare to form a team together so easily? Team? You come and tell me what kind of justice I need to give you before you are satisfied!"

Obviously, he was on Lu Nanqi's side.

(End of this chapter)

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