Chapter 211 A lot of zombies...

The old square, two streets away is that place, every meter closer, it indicates that there are more zombies.

Lu Nanqi chopped up the zombies in the front and dug out the crystal core, and finally handed it over to Liao Sponge.

After Mu He got off the car, he separated from her. He needed food, but she only needed crystal nuclei.

Meng Lun and Chen Xiaochen stood on both sides of her like guardians. The three of them marched forward bravely and fought all the way to the end. She didn't stop until she didn't see any zombies around her.

Liao Sponge dug the crystal nucleus behind him until his hands softened. Seeing all the disgusting forms of the zombies, he was so dizzy that he almost spit it out. Thinking that Lu Nanqi didn't like timid and useless people, he insisted on I endured the bad feeling in my heart.

Meng Lun couldn't bear to see it, so he took the initiative to help Liao Sponge, "You go to the side to rest for a while, and I will dig."

"I can continue, I really can!" Liao Sponge observed Lu Nanqi's face nervously, and found that she didn't pay attention to him at all, and he was relieved.

Before he could let go of this breath completely, his complexion suddenly changed drastically, and he suddenly took a deeper breath, always convulsed, and the expression on his face was full of fear and fear.

Lu Nanqi was the first to notice something was wrong with him, frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"A lot of zombies!" Liao Sponge's face turned pale with fear, "I can feel that a lot of zombies are heading towards the old square."

"Are you sure?" Lu Nanqi's expression changed, and then he calmed down.

This place is the old square, even if there are a lot of zombies, there won't really be too many of them.

They even broke through the new shopping mall, and although they escaped death, they were not safe in the end.

The last time it was because of the zombies with mental abilities, it was difficult to deal with them. It is impossible for the spiritual zombies to appear again by such a coincidence this time.

The reason why Liao Sponge was so nervous was probably because he had never seen a zombie in a big scene.

She calmed herself down, looked at Liao Sponge and said, "How many zombies can you detect?"

"Many, in all directions, all the zombies have passed..." Liao Sponge simply closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing. Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly changed the topic, "No, they are surrounded in the middle of the square!"

At the same time as his voice fell, gunshots rang out from the direction of the old square.

Lu Nanqi's figure rushed out, and disappeared before their eyes in the blink of an eye, as fast as the wind.

Meng Lun and Chen Xiaochen didn't even have time to follow her. When they caught up with Liao Sponge's shadow chasing her, they lost her after walking a few steps.

Fortunately, gunshots can be heard all over the old square, and it is not difficult to find it by following the sound.

In the old square, a group of people were surrounded in the center, raising their guns to deal with them. Those with supernatural powers were releasing their supernatural powers. Everyone's supernatural powers are currently at the first level, except for Huo Ping's fire-type supernatural power. The others were weak chickens, and after a while, those people switched back to using weapons.

There are a lot of zombies, more than Lu Nanqi imagined. It is not only difficult to break in from the outside, but also time-consuming.

After thinking about it for an inch, she jumped up to the shop on the second floor by taking advantage of the sundries piled up next to her.

At a glance, Lu Li and Niu Weiyuan could be seen fighting side by side.

The two had a tacit understanding, and Lu Li's fighting was not as proficient as Niu Weiyuan, who was always helping him.

Lu Nanqi's heart sank, and he sighed.

In such a trance, Niu Weiyuan in the crowd suddenly groaned.

Looking over again, several blood-stained scars on Niu Weiyuan's arm were clearly visible.

(End of this chapter)

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