Chapter 218 Who said no?

Lu Nanqi was not polite, he took it away and threw it into the space, carried the dug crystal nuclei on his back, and called Meng Lun and the others to leave.

Huo Ping and the others who went to the gas station hadn't returned yet, and Lu Nanqi didn't intend to wait for them, so he sacrificed a car from the space and took Meng Lun and the others away first.

The brand-new off-road vehicle disappeared into the ground out of thin air. Even those who already knew that she had space could not help but be surprised by the sight.

The two people who followed Mu He stared straight, "Ah, Mu He, is that supernatural ability so awesome?"

"Who said it wasn't." Mu He smiled, and he was also surprised. Although he knew that people nowadays have supernatural powers, and he had seen people who could absorb matter into space in the base, he had never seen something as powerful as it is now. .

The end of the world has happened, and if there are more weird things, what's so strange about it.

Mu He was surprised, but he didn't think much about it.

Anyone who has a chance can mutate supernatural powers. It is not surprising that Lu Nanqi has a space system.

He was happy for her. People with supernatural powers must be popular now. Coupled with her ability, no matter how bad life is, I believe she will not live too badly.

Lu Nanqi went back with a new off-road vehicle, and Mu He followed her in a pried car from the side of the road.

The two cars drove one after the other.

Lu Li followed them back early because of Niu Weiyuan's matter.

As soon as he entered the base, Niu Weiyuan was locked up.

Lu Li wanted to accompany him, but Lu Nanqi directly dragged him away.

She doesn't understand what he is thinking, isn't he just thinking of taking the opportunity to treat Niu Weiyuan, last time he treated the two scratched people privately, it was lucky that no one found out, he wanted to take a risk this time, I don't know how to live or die!
"Sister, you let me go, I don't do anything, just let me accompany him." Lu Li was struggling.

Lu Nanqi tugged at him and didn't let go, "His most dangerous period has passed, what are you still worried about? Get out of here immediately!"

On the way back, Niu Weiyuan had already developed a high fever. It was confirmed that he had a supernatural power, but the residual fever had not subsided, so he needed to go to the observation room to observe for the time being.

Now that it has calmed down, why should he intervene?

"If you dare to visit him today, I will take you to transfer the base immediately!" she threatened.

Lu Li finally calmed down.

Lu Nanqi went back to his residence and asked Meng Lun to stare at Lu Li, while he locked himself in the house again.

All the crystal nuclei were dumped on the ground, piled up on the ground like a hill, leaving a small pile for Lu Li, and she was not stingy about absorbing the rest one by one.

I tried my best to advance to another level, but unfortunately I didn't succeed.

That's right, when you upgrade to the second level, you have already used so many crystal cores, and you will only need more in the future. With this little crystal core, how can you try to advance in vain.

Think about that bottomless pit space again.


She sighed softly, got up and called Lu Li into the room, raised her chin towards the pair of crystal nuclei on the ground, "Go, absorb them all."

"I didn't save anyone, so what did I absorb?" Lu Li complained a little, but he didn't get really angry.

She had just saved him, and the thrilling feeling of danger hadn't passed yet, so how could he be willing to blame her again.

That was his sister.

"Advanced!" Lu Nanqi slapped him on the forehead, sat down opposite him, and explained the main points to him one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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