Chapter 224 I'm Sorry
For a time, more and more people supported her.

Those people all stood beside Lu Nanqi.

Even Tan Lei, who always found Lu Nanqi disliked in various ways in City C, and who was always at odds with her, stood by her side with all sincerity.

"Sorry, I apologize to you for today's matter." Feng apologized.

Zhao Qingmeng pushed Feng Hui violently, full of anger, "Who asked you to apologize, who are you to me, why should you decide my affairs, get out, I don't need your help!"

"Enough is enough!" Feng Hui was furious, with veins popping out of his head.

Zhao Qingmeng refused to give up, "What's wrong with me, don't you just think I'm annoying, and you want to break up with me a long time ago? Okay, let's break up. From today onwards, I have nothing to do with you. You don't care Thinking about the past, Huo Si still fell in love with this woman in front of him, and she will have nothing to do with me in the future!"

"Everyone helping her is also helping you, don't you see it?" Feng Hui said with a stern face.

Huo Si was a taboo that he couldn't mention. She knew this and said it deliberately in front of so many people.

And it's not the first time.

In the past, when she mentioned Huo Si cautiously in front of him, he just let it go.

Why would Huo Si get involved with her no matter when or what?

Is it such a fun thing to poke a knife in someone's chest a few times when you have nothing to do?
Where did that lovely Zhao Qingmeng go?
The woman in front of him now made him feel nothing but strangeness.

"It's just breaking up, that's fine, then it's as you wish, break up!" Feng Hui roared angrily, turned and left without looking back.

The group of men who came here with Zhao Qingmeng, seeing this farce, wished they could be like turtles and put their heads away tightly, so as not to let anyone see the joke.

They are soldiers. There are too many variables, the death of their family members, the impact of the situation, and the despair of the future. Gradually, they lost their original aspirations and their blood.

That's why when Zhao Qingmeng instigated her, he listened to her words so easily, and came here to make trouble so rashly.

Huo Ping scolded them soberly and made them extremely ashamed.

They are worse than a woman.
The farce is over.

The only extra thing is that Feng Hui and Zhao Qingmeng broke up.

For the rest, nothing has changed.

The excitement is over, it's time to disperse.

Lu Nanqi squeezed the center of his brows with a headache, and stared at Huo Ping who was standing in front of him and didn't intend to leave, "The matter has subsided, what else do you need?"

Her tone was not very good, as cold as ice.

Tired of being misunderstood and causing trouble, but someone always wants to bring her into such a pit.

I really can't feel good about it.

"Talk about our relationship." Huo Ping took a step further, and the distance between the two was less than two steps.

Lu Nanqi was amused, "We? Are you talking about love? Sorry, I'm not interested in that."

"Many hobbies can be cultivated." When facing her, Huo Ping was always surprisingly patient.

"The interest that can be cultivated depends at least on who the object is." Lu Nanqi said ruthlessly.

"Don't be so heartless, it hurts to hear such words."

"It's good to know, because this is the truth, you won't get anything with me." Lu Nanqi seemed to swear.

Huo Ping laughed, "It doesn't matter if you get it or not, I said it, it's my feelings, I deal with my feelings myself, whether I want to continue or end it, that's all my own business The decision has nothing to do with you, so you have no right to persuade me to give up and quit."

(End of this chapter)

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