Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 232 They will all die there

Chapter 232 They will all die there
Chen Xiaobao begged, "Seventh Sister, let me read more."

"Your body will not be able to bear it." Lu Nanqi reminded.

The scene she accidentally saw just now was enough.

The word 'monster' is enough for her to make all preparations for this journey.

"I can bear it, I promise." Chen Xiaobao frowned, with a pale face, those dark eyes, filled with mist, even if it was just a glimpse just now, thinking about it now, she still feels terrible .

Zombies are enough to make people desperate, why are there still such bloated monsters?

They are all human beings, how could they possibly defeat those huge monsters?

They won't be all right, they'll all die there!
Thinking of this, her breathing became heavier in vain, and she sat down on the ground.

"Xiaobao!" Chen Xiaochen's eyes were full of panic. In the last days, without advanced medical equipment, what he was most worried about was that one day Chen Xiaobao's illness would suddenly relapse.

The most feared and least expected thing happened in the end.

"Xiaobao! Xiaobao..." Chen Xiaochen panicked for a moment.

"Brother, don't go, don't go this time, okay..." Chen Xiaobao murmured, his face was pale, and his forehead was sweating.

Chen Xiaochen immediately compromised, "Okay, I won't go, I won't go anywhere, I will stay with you in the base, don't get excited, take a deep breath with my brother, and stop thinking about messy things!"

Chen Xiaobao looked at Lu Nanqi again, "Sister Qi, don't go, okay, everyone don't go, okay..."

She looked at Lu Nanqi with anticipation in her eyes.

Liao Haimian looked nervous, "Seventh Sister, speak quickly!"

Lu Nanqi didn't respond, and after two seconds of silence, he said to Lu Li, "Go."

Lu Li squatted down and pressed his big palm on Chen Xiaobao's heart. White light flowed into her body, and Chen Xiaobao gradually eased up while breathing.

"I, I'm fine." She sat up from Chen Xiaochen's arms, her emotions hadn't completely calmed down, her face was still as pale as snow, and she looked as weak as if she could fall down at any time.

But those bright and beautiful eyes, like stars, still looked at Lu Nanqi expectantly.

Still longing for Lu Nanqi, "Seventh sister, can you not go to this mission, and let those who are going to go also not go?"

"No, I will definitely go this time, but your brother can choose not to go." Lu Nanqi said.

Chen Xiaobao got up excitedly, tears streaming down his face, "But you will be in danger!"

"You said last time that I will be invincible in the world." Lu Nanqi smiled slightly, "Did you forget? I want to be a hero above all others."

"That's what I said, but what if my dream is not accurate?" Chen Xiaobao's heart was full of torment, crying with tears and snot flowing from his nose, "Seventh sister, don't go, please, I'm afraid."

She rushed forward and hugged Lu Nanqi's waist.

This time, Lu Nanqi did not refuse.

As long as she didn't touch her skin directly, she could barely bear the stickiness.

Lu Nanqi patted her on the back, "Seventh Sister can tell you with certainty that your dreams are very accurate. As long as Seventh Sister is alive, you can be guaranteed to be alive too. So, trust your Seventh Sister."

"But...but those are monsters!" Chen Xiaobao hesitated when told.

She was afraid, and her whole heart was trembling with fear, but Lu Nanqi's confidence and comfort made her unable to help but choose to believe.

The Seventh Sister in her dream is really a dominating hero.

(End of this chapter)

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