Chapter 234 I Will Go

Others are not from this side, so they know even less. They can only listen to Lu Nanqi's words.

But there is another point that she can be prepared for, that is, to prepare enough things to go to the army this time, to attack those monsters.

The plan is ready, and each goes back to the room to rest.

Lu Nanqi counted the things in the space, but didn't fall asleep right away.

Not long after Chen Xiaochen and the others left, there were seven knocks on the door outside.

It's Huo Ping.

Lu Nanqi opened the door and stood at the door of the room, looking up at him, waiting for him to speak.

Knowing the purpose of his coming tonight, when Huo Ping asked her to go to the army tomorrow, she didn't have any emotions on her face, and even said simply, "I will go, what time will we gather tomorrow?"

Huo Ping thought of many ways to persuade her, but he never thought that she would simply agree.

What she said surprised him, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, "Really? That's great. We will gather at the gate of the base at six o'clock tomorrow. I don't know what will happen on the way. It's safer to start early."

"Okay, I'll be there on time." Lu Nanqi said.

"Then..." Huo Ping thought for a while, she was too straightforward, and didn't know what to say for a while, and the original so many words could only be rotten in her stomach.

Lu Nanqi, "Then, good night."

Huo Ping: "..."

"Good night," he said.

Lu Nanqi twitched the corners of his mouth out of politeness, but unfortunately he didn't smile. When he finished speaking, he closed the door directly.

Huo Ping stood at the door silently for a while, then left with a sad face.

The woman he likes seems to have a heart of stone.


Knowing that they were going to a dangerous place, a group of people did not sleep well.

When we gathered in the morning, everyone was not in good spirits. Everyone was vigilant, as if the place they were staying at the moment was the destination they were going to.

Lu Nanqi is probably the only person who can sleep well.

It was almost six o'clock when she woke up. After brushing her teeth and washing up, she got into the car directly.

When Lu got out of the car, she was sitting in the co-pilot, eating her breakfast slowly.

When the car drove to the door, it happened to be six o'clock.

The others couldn't sleep and got up very early to prepare. Lu Nan arrived on time at seven or six, but it was still the last one.

It made the people who went with them dissatisfied.

Lu Nanqi happily ate breakfast, forgetting their dissatisfaction.

There were a lot of people who set off this time. After calculation, there were about 30 people.

Feng Hui's people all went with them, and there were quite a few people from Huo Ping's side. In addition to Lu Nanqi's car, some people heard that Feng Hui was going back to look for relatives, and they happened to be in the same city as him. , just looking for a chance to hitch a ride.

Feng replied that they followed.

Zhao Qingmeng didn't say anything, but his face was actually not happy.

A train team left the base in a mighty manner, and soon disappeared at the gate of the base.

Huo Zhonglin stood on the high wall and watched them leave, his eyes gradually turned red.

He wanted to stop everything, but the bird was so big, how could he stop it from flying.

The only thing that can be done is to ensure his comfort.

Lu Nanqi was the last car, and after breakfast, she leaned back on the seat and closed her eyes to rest.

Although it was true that she woke up the last night, it was true that she was not energetic.

It was exhausting to kill zombies for several days, and Huo Zhonglin called her again in the middle of the night. If it weren't for the fact that the things Huo Zhonglin gave were not bad, with her current bad temper, she would explode on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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