Chapter 245 Damn it!
Wu Feng didn't believe it, relying on Jia Baihang and others, he dared to break into his tiger's den alone.

But the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe it.

If it was said that they packed up and ran away, he couldn't guarantee it to others, but with Jia Bai Hangyi and Bo Yuntian's temperament, he would definitely not be able to do something like running away by himself.

The only possibility is that they have gone to another road, diverted from them, and went to rescue Huo Ping.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help becoming irritable, and kicked the car angrily.

Sitting in the car, Lu Nanqi could feel the shaking of the car body.

She lowered her head, and slightly raised the corners of her lips in a direction where no one could see.

Very good, everything is ready, only the east wind needs to blow the fire again.

She looked outside, staring at Wu Feng's movement, a dagger appeared in her hand in vain, and cut off the rope binding her hands.

When the group of them were still struggling, they quickly climbed into the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator instantly, and bumped into the two men standing in front of the car.

The car backed up again and hit the two people behind.

The steering wheel was turned, and the gear was shifted, easily driving the car out of their sight.

No matter how fast Wu Feng's reaction was, when he drove towards Lu Nanqi in the car, he still fell behind a lot.

Coupled with Lu Nanqi's attitude of desperately kicking the accelerator, Wu Feng was quickly thrown even further away.

"Damn it!" Wu Feng's entire face turned black, and he finally came to his senses.

This pitiful and fragile woman is the key to this matter.

She is the bridge in the middle, connecting the two sides of Huo Ping and Jia Baihang.

It was because he was stupid that he believed her weakness and did not take her seriously, which led to the current situation.

Thinking of her tears, Wu Feng punched the steering wheel in hatred.

Such a scheming woman dared to act in front of him.

If there is a chance for him to meet again, he swears that he will never let her go!

He gritted his teeth secretly, took out the walkie-talkie, and contacted the four people who stayed in the supermarket.

It's a pity that after sending it several times, the news sank into the sea like stones, and those stones sank little by little like his heart at the moment.

Something really happened.

"Call all the brothers immediately, and go back as fast as possible!" He contacted those who were following him, and then smashed the walkie-talkie into the passenger's seat in an atmosphere.

Lu Nanqi drove all the way back to the place where Huo Ping was detained.

As soon as the car stopped under the supermarket, they saw Huo Ping and several people rushing down from upstairs.

It can be seen that Liao Sponge succeeded.

She smiled in relief, got out of the car to meet them, and gave Liao Sponge a compliment without hesitation, "Good job!"

Liao Sponge's face was much paler than when she left.

It can be seen that during her absence, she also used her abilities.

Huo Ping looked at her, "Where are Wu Feng and others?"

"As expected, they must be on the way." Lu Nanqi said, "Du Bing and the others are also behind."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Wu Feng's car driving over. Even though he saw a group of them standing at the door, his speed didn't decrease at all, and he was still rushing towards this side.

And the direction his car was facing was Lu Nanqi and Huo Ping.

"Be careful!" Huo Ping subconsciously pulled her over, dodging the impact of the car.

Lu Nanqi grabbed Liao Sponge.

The three of them rolled aside, and Wu Feng's car crashed into the shop on the first floor with honor.

There was a loud bang, the sound of glass shattering.

After the ear-piercing noise, there was a rare moment of peace.

Feng Hui and Niu Weiyuan came to help them.

Lu Nanqi pulled Liao Sponge, stood up by himself, quickly took out the gun in his hand, and rushed towards Wu Feng's car.

(End of this chapter)

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