Chapter 248

Lu Nanqi smiled wryly, and simply threw the pistol on the ground.

Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood.

This is the grievance between Wu Feng and this man named Zhao Jinzhong.

Unfortunately, they came today, so they became the praying mantis in the mouth of the oriole very innocently.

If you don't work hard, you will be bad.

And I don't know when I can escape.

Lu Nanqi followed Huo Ping and was tied up in the crowd.

Liao Sponge was beside her, leaning on her other side, with a bitter face, "Seventh sister, what should I do?"

"Ghost knows what to do." Lu Nanqi was annoyed, "You should ask the person involved in this matter."

"Heh, if you have the ability to escape once, then go for the second time!" Wu Feng laughed beside him.

Seeing Lu Nanqi being tied up, he finally felt a little more balanced.

"If you have the ability, run away and show me!" Lu Nanqi kicked over.

Wu Feng dodged quickly, but was kicked to the foot.

Her strength was far greater than what she had seen. Wu Feng's foot was numb from the kick. Compared with the previous punch and kick, this was nothing but a big deal.

"I'm not capable. Aren't you proud? If you can escape from me, don't you have the ability to escape from Zhao Jinzhong?" Wu Feng sarcastically and provocatively said: "If you can escape from his hands If you escape from here, I will call you aunt!"

"Why don't you just say that you will be taken out together." Lu Nanqi laughed.

"That's what I mean!" Wu Feng raised his chin with a haughty posture, "I'm afraid you have no skills, and you still want to be a boss here!"

"Whether I like to be a big boss or a coward, that's my business!" Lu Nanqi's lips curled up, and he kicked him for the second time.

This time Wu Feng was unprepared, he was kicked upright, lying on the ground with his hands and feet bound, his buttocks raised like an old turtle.

"Dug!" Wu Feng yelled angrily, "I still have my life to go out, the first one is to shoot you!"

The people next to him roared with laughter.

Lu Nanqi turned around, unwilling to pay any more attention to this lunatic.

Zhao Jinzhong's men threatened them with guns, "If you make more noise, I will shoot you!"

A group of people sat in a circle, silent.

After a while, someone came over again and said to Lu Nanqi, "Which of you is the boss?"

That person was originally from Wu Feng's side, but now he is Zhao Jinzhong's person.

It is conceivable why Zhao Jinzhong took the opportunity to find this place to exterminate them.

It's not that there are spies in the middle.

Tan Lei looked at the man, and sarcastically said, "Wu Feng, it turns out that when you were mistaken, you brought cats and dogs with you, and you couldn't tell if it was an enemy or a mule. What kind of boss are you? "

The two hadn't spoken properly since they met.

One sentence from you, one sentence from me, what comes out of the mouth are all knives.

The grievances are deep.

Lu Nanqi raised his head with a headache, staring at the ceiling without making a sound.

The man asked again, his voice was a few decibels higher than before, "I'm asking you something, don't pretend to be deaf and dumb, who is the boss among you!"

Some people looked at Lu Nanqi, while others looked at Huo Ping.

The man thought for a moment, "Take these two away together, the boss wants to see you."

Lu Nanqi and Huo Ping were taken downstairs. It was the lobby of the supermarket. It was not as clean as the upstairs. There were even a few corpses of zombies lying on the ground.

Zhao Jinzhong stopped in front of Huo Ping, looked around from top to bottom, with contempt, "You are their boss? Which base?"

(End of this chapter)

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