Chapter 253 This Bad Fun

"Brother Zhong, do you still want to try?" Huo Ping rubbed his palms and slowly approached him.

Zhao Jinzhong jumped up from the ground, "Grandma, you deliberately set fire to my face."

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." Huo Ping smiled slightly.

Lu Nanqi: "..."

Tsk tsk, this bad taste is on par with hers.

"Boy, don't think that you can play here because you have an attack ability. Don't forget, all your people are still in my hands." Zhao Jinzhong ordered with a grim face, "Give him back to me." Tie it up, watch it tight, and don't let him make other small moves!"

He rang the alarm bell loudly, not daring to let Huo Ping here easily any longer.

This is a weapon, as long as his hands are free, danger will follow at any time.

"Don't, it's so hard to let go and tie it up again." Lu Nanqi said: "Besides, we didn't really want to harm you, did we? If we really wanted to harm you, do you think you will be safe and sound? Stay here? Let me tell you the truth, more than half of the people you tied up are supernatural beings. I really want to deal with you. Do you think you can escape?"

"More than half?" Zhao Jinzhong was shocked.

Huo Ping sat down beside Lu Nanqi, quietly listening to her negotiation with Zhao Jinzhong.

He needs to know what she is doing.

Perhaps, it might coincide with his thoughts.

"Ice-type, wind-type, earth-type, thunder-type, wood-type, speed ability, mental ability... so many abilities, do you all have them?" Lu Nanqi didn't know what abilities they had at all.

It was just intentional to bluff the arrogant man in front of him, that's why he said all the abilities.

Actually it's almost there.

These abilities have all appeared so far.

Liao Sponge has psychic abilities, and his consciousness has been beyond ordinary people from the very beginning.

If her calculation is not wrong, Meng Lun has a speed ability, and he has been running very fast.

It's just that these abilities happen to be latent, so they didn't realize it.

Hearing what she said, Zhao Jinzhong's complexion became even worse.

This group is all capable people, if they really do something, it's not known who will die and who will live.

"What kind of supernatural power are you!" He asked vigilantly.

"I..." Lu Nanqi paused intentionally, and when the smile on his face lit up, a bomb appeared in his hand, "I don't have any skills, just a small space ability, but unfortunately, I happen to have many This kind of thing... I have tried this thing, and with a bang, it can instantly blow up a group of zombies to ashes, and I will rely on this in the end of the world."

"It's a bomb!" Zhao Jinzhong's men retreated again and again.

Zhao Jinzhong's expression turned into a pig's liver, "Put it down, or I will shoot you right now!"

"That depends on whether your marksmanship is fast, or my movements are fast." Lu Nanqi was leisurely and contented, facing the muzzle of the gun without blinking his eyes.

Zhao Jinzhong is also not afraid of death. He really puts up the gun, puts his index finger on the trigger, and may shoot at any time.

The little brothers next to him stopped him to dissuade him, "Boss, if this shot is fired, all of our names will be killed here!"

Lu Nanqi laughed evilly, "That's right, not only will you die, but you will also die without a whole body."

Huo Ping: "..."

The group of people behind was even more speechless for a while.

Is this still a human thing?

It seemed that she was not among the dead.

"Don't forget, your brother is still here, I don't believe it, you will be so cruel that you will kill your own brother!" Zhao Jinzhong sneered.

Lu Nanqi clasped the ring of the bomb with one hand, "Dare you, try it and you'll know."

The group of people behind was completely messy.

(End of this chapter)

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