Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 260 Huo Ping from the Folding Chapter

Chapter 260 The Returned Huo Ping
Just a few steps forward, I met Huo Ping who turned back.

"Tired? I'll carry you." He squatted down in front of Liao Sponge.

Liao Sponge didn't go up, but looked at Lu Nanqi and asked silently with his eyes.

Get her nod.

He just got on Huo Ping's back.

"There's something wrong with this mountain, please be careful." Lu Nanqi said, following Huo Ping's pace and leaving quickly.

When they crossed the mountain and went down to the other side, the group of people had already reached the road at the foot of the mountain.

It was safe and nothing happened.

With Huo Ping's help, they quickly got off the highway.

Huo Ping looked at her condensed expression and said, "Aren't you too tired, nothing happened."

"Probably." Lu Nanqi withdrew his eyes from looking up the mountain, bent down, and tore off the section of vine that was still wrapped around Liao Sponge's ankle.

On the mouth that was cut off by her, there were traces of dark green mucus, which was not like the juice that should be found on the trunks and branches of ordinary trees.

Something was wrong, but it wasn't like what she had seen in her previous life. After the tree was cut down, a large amount of foul-smelling, sticky liquid was sprayed out.

She released all the vehicles in the space again, and then took Liao Sponge into the car, temporarily suppressing her doubts.

The convoy remained consistent, long like a giant dragon wandering in the mountains, driving farther and farther.

On the mountain they left, a gust of wind suddenly blew, blowing those bamboo leaves, like sharp knives, whirling with the wind.

The vines buried in the ground protruded out of the ground, wrapped around the bamboo, and circled around, forming a giant net that completely cut off the roads on both sides.

The weird voice sounded in Lu Nanqi's ear again. She turned her head and stared at the bamboo forest seriously, all she could see was a piece of green.

Other than that, nothing.

Lu Li was driving in the driver's seat, and looked at her in confusion, "Sis, you've been frowning since you got in the car. What happened in the mountains just now?"

"No." Lu Nanqi gave up the research, turned around, sat down again, "drive well."

The car continued on, the road was very calm, except for some zombies that needed to be dealt with, nothing else happened.

After driving all the way for a long time, the car didn't arrive near the destination until two o'clock in the morning.

It was too dark, and everyone was tired, so it was not appropriate to move forward.

The team stopped, a few kilometers away from the troops, stopped to rest, and continued to the troops after dawn.

In the first half of the night, Huo Ping, Du Bing, Niu Weiyuan, and Tan Lei held vigil.

There are many people, and they are divided into four corners.

Lu Nanqi's car is at the outermost edge.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or on purpose.

Huo Ping stood firm in the corner, which happened to be her side.

She leaned back on the passenger seat and did not fall asleep. Huo Ping was standing outside her car door.

The two were silent without words, just looking up at the sky at each other.

The sky full of stars, which was rarely seen in cities before, is fortunate to be seen after the end of the world, but it is a pity that I have lost my former soul, and everything I see is dark.

No matter how beautiful the scenery falls into the eyes, it seems to be announcing that the beauty of human beings is passing by with time.

"This is the most beautiful star I've ever seen." Huo Ping spoke softly outside the window.

In such a quiet night, even if there is a hard window between them.

The wind can carry his words into the car too.

"Because the world is going into darkness, the only thing that can give us light is the poor stars in the sky." Lu Nanqi lightly raised the corners of his lips, smiling melancholy, "Humans love beauty, and when everything is lost , When all the new things are destroyed, and there are less things that can attract the eyes, it will be natural to re-focus on the things that were ignored before."

(End of this chapter)

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