Chapter 263 Creeper!
Liao Sponge suddenly shrank behind Lu Nanqi, vomiting with a pale face.

This is worse than a nightmare.

The monster Chen Xiaobao talked about, the dream she talked about, has come true.

When she said she saw a monster, he didn't believe it at first.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I have to seriously think about her words.

There really are monsters, monsters scarier than zombies.

Can swallow a person in one bite!

"Sister Qi, what kind of monster is that?" He tightly gripped Lu Nanqi's clothes, "What should we do now?"

Lu Nanqi's face was stern, and he handed over all the crystal nuclei he dug just now to Liao Sponge's hands, "Stand back, take advantage of this time to absorb the energy of the crystal nuclei as much as possible, you will need to take action later!"

After speaking, she rushed towards Huo Ping.

After swallowing half of the person, the monster began to attack Huo Ping and the others again.

Huo Ping released the fire ability on the monster, temporarily repelling the monster.

"What kind of monster is this!" He also looked at Lu Nanqi and asked.

"Crawler!" Lu Nanqi said, "Its skin looks smooth and soft, but it is actually indestructible. It can't be penetrated by a gun, and its speed is extremely fast. Be careful of its mucus. After it dries, it will stick to the skin. "

A group of people were so frightened that they immediately fiddled with the mucus on their faces.

The monster attacked again unwillingly.

Huo Ping continued to set fire, and asked with a frown, "Is there any solution?"

"Use grenades directly to attack its eyes and mouth. These two places are most likely to be fatal." Lu Nanqi explained, adding another sentence, "It is afraid of fire!"

Fire can dry up the mucus in its body. Without the mucus, its movements will be slowed down, and it will even be burned to death.

Therefore, in this, Huo Ping's ability is the most useful.

It's a pity that even though he has been promoted to one level, he still looks too weak when facing this kind of creeper.

Lu Nanqi took out a barrel of oil from space, poured it on its head, and yelled at Huo Ping, "Fire more!"

Huo Ping let out fire again, twice as big as before.

The fire instantly burned on the creeper's head, extending all the way to its body.

"Aw..." The creeper screamed in pain, and his movements became a little slower.

The men breathed a sigh of relief, "It worked."

Lu Nanqi's expression changed drastically, "No, it's calling for its companions!"

She took out her machine gun and shot the creeper in the mouth with a burst of fire.

As she said, the mouth and eyes are its weakest points.

After a burst of shooting, the creeper finally stopped screaming.

It lowered its blackened head and changed its target to Lu Nanqi. Its whole body was undulating, with obvious anger, jumping its fat body, and crawling towards Lu Nanqi at an incredible speed.

"Be careful!" Huo Ping jumped up, from the flat ground to a height of more than ten feet, pointed the sharp military bayonet in his hand at the creeper's back, and stabbed fiercely.

The military bayonet is edge-shaped, with a very sharp front end, and its greatest power lies in stabbing.

He used 100% of his strength, but the effect was not obvious at all.

A third of the blade went into the creeper's body, and then the whole blade stuck on it.

It can't be pulled out, and it can't be stabbed in any more.

Huo Ping gripped the handle of the knife tightly, and hung himself on the crawler's back.

This little injury, to this crawler, is no different from just scratching an itch.

Although it had no effect, it still bought Lu Nanqi time to escape.

Her small body quickly backed away, and when Huo Ping stabbed at the creeper, she nimbly turned somersault to the side, avoiding the creeper's protruding claws.

Instead of hitting Lu Nanqi, he was plotted against. The crawler became even more frantic, spinning wildly, and threw Huo Ping to the ground.

 I was very touched when I saw Tianyou’s reward and Tianyou’s thoughtful comments. Thank you for your hard work. I will add another chapter to her tonight. I love her~~
(End of this chapter)

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