Chapter 265 Meng Lun
She suddenly stretched out her hand to one of the legs, a grenade was shot out from the space, and with lightning speed, she stuffed the grenade into the trouser leg of that leg, gritted her teeth and threw that leg into the air with all her strength.

The creeper was really fooled, jumped up vertically, bit the leg accurately, and swallowed the leg provocatively.

The huge body fell to the ground, and the ground trembled.

Without stopping, the moment it swallowed that leg, it continued to move rapidly towards Lu Nanqi.

Lu Nanqi ran forward desperately.

No explosion, no explosion?
It doesn't make sense!

She has dealt with many such things in her previous life, and she has never failed. Could it be that something went wrong?
Huo Ping was thrown back. Seeing that the creeper was about to catch up with Lu Nanqi, he could only grab the gun on the ground and continue shooting.

Lu Nanqi was just three meters away from it, as long as it jumped again, it would definitely knock her down.

Just in the blink of an eye, there was a sudden loud bang, accompanied by the creeper's last painful scream, the surrounding fire and the stench almost black brown liquid, as well as the creeper's blasted tiny pieces of meat splashed everywhere .

Lu Nanqi was very close, too close.

At the moment of the explosion, that force also blew her away.

Her body soared into the air, and then flew out far away. The air was more than four meters high, and there was nothing on the ground.

The stiff and flat ground was enough to throw her to death.

People on the left and right escaped, and happened to see this scene, their eyes were filled with horror.

"Seventh Sister!"

Several screams sounded at the same time.

I don't know who it is, suddenly a figure gallops out, rushing towards Lu Nanqi.

When she falls, catch her in time.

After all the dust settled, everyone realized that it was Meng Lun who was swept away like a gust of wind just now.

Lu Nanqi's entire head was covered, he could not hear anything in his ears, and he could not see anything except the twinkling stars in front of his eyes.

The veins on her forehead were even bulging and hurting.

Being affected at such a close distance, it is lucky not to die directly.

She gritted her teeth and forced herself to stay awake, but in the end, her vision was still dark, and she passed out.

Still too weak...

Shouldn't be...

Before she passed out, there was only one thought left in her mind.


Waking up again, she was already in the car.

Sitting beside them were Meng Lun and Lu Li.

It was Huo Ping who was driving.

Lu Li was using his healing ability to save her.

Lu Nanqi struggled to sit up from Meng Lun's arms, "Where are you going by car?"

"You killed one of them, but the other ones came after them. We suffered heavy casualties and had no choice but to escape." Huo Ping, who was at the front, explained in a deep voice.

With Lu Li's treatment, Lu Nanqi's expression softened a lot.

"There is no way to escape. Unless they are completely eliminated, they will not give up even if you ran out of gas in the car." She leaned on the seat and sighed heavily, "How many people are left?"

Huo Ping said in a low voice, "Sacrifice half of it."

In the whole process, it took less than 10 minutes to enter, and half of the lives were sacrificed!

As the captain, he watched his companions sacrifice one by one with his own eyes, and in the end, he was powerless.

"Where are the others?" Lu Nanqi asked again.

"It's all ahead." Huo Ping said.

They are the last car.

At the critical moment, Meng Lun hugged her and used his preferred speed to provoke the crawlers, giving them time and opportunity to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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