Chapter 267 Read Her Eyes!

Killing flashed in her eyes, and there was no room for negotiation.

Meng Lun's expression was full of astonishment, and Lu Li and Liao Sponge's expressions were also full of disbelief.

The rumors about the two of them were flying all over the sky.

And she didn't specifically explain the relationship between the two of them to everyone.

By default, in their eyes, at least it can be regarded as that she has some affection for Huo Ping.

Even in this mission, she reminded everyone to protect Huo Ping's life while getting the items in the mechanical library.

This made everyone more sure that she cared about Huo Ping.

But now, she pointed the gun at Huo Ping.

But it was only for a moment, and their expressions became clear again.

She must not want him to have an accident, so she was forced to shoot him.

In the whole car, probably only Huo Ping understood her eyes.

She didn't hesitate, her eyes were firm.

At this moment, he dared to conclude that if he didn't follow her request, his head would explode in the next second.

Because in her eyes, apart from killing, there was no other emotion.

She is heartless!
At this moment, in his heart, this idea jumped out.

"Seventh sister!" Liao Sponge looked at her with some fear.

Huo Ping glanced at her, turned the steering wheel silently, and galloped to catch up with Chen Xiaochen's car.

Of the seven or eight vehicles, two escaped. In comparison, there were still more prey in front of them.

The creeper looked in Lu Nanqi's direction and continued to chase the original team.

"I didn't come after you!" Chen Xiaochen glanced behind him with a look of surprise, but soon his face sank again.

Because the creepers behind accelerated to catch up with the convoy.

Everyone was accelerating, and at this moment, two crawlers suddenly appeared on the wide road ahead, blocking their way.

The convoy was pinched front and back on the road.

Huo Ping's face changed, and he suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie, "All the cars disperse, disperse separately!"

Lu Nanqi was right, they humans were too weak to face such a monster.

The car quickly spread out to the left and right.

The cars in front and behind were not so lucky. They were swept away by the crawler's claws, and the whole car rolled over.

The car in the middle was lucky enough to escape the fight.

On the wide grass, Huo Ping suddenly stopped, went down and rushed back.

He has no reason to leave the team.

The creepers are fighting ahead, the car stops here, she is safe enough.

If she wants to go, she can drive away by herself.

Lu Li jumped out of the car right after him.

Lu Nanqi grabbed him, "Stay well!"

Lu Li shouted, "Wei Yuan is inside!"

"Did you forget how you held him back and hurt him last time?" Lu Nanqi frowned.

"I have the ability to heal, so I can save everyone!" Lu Li shook off her hand.

Those people were all injured, only he could save them!

He couldn't just watch them die.

Those are all friends, all brothers!
"Be sober, if you want to save them, you must at least ensure that you are still alive!" Lu Nanqi slapped him, "With your three-legged cat skills, do you still expect yourself to be able to beat those creepers!"

She hated iron for being weak, so she stuffed Lu Li into the car, pulled out the key, and locked him in the car.

"Sister!" Lu Li thumped the car window with anger in his eyes.

Here it goes again, his good sister will always be like this.

He will always be required only forcibly.

(End of this chapter)

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