Chapter 276

Lu Nanqi lay on the ground to relax for a while, then sat up suddenly, stretched his hand backwards, dragged the white cat to the front, and fell to the ground angrily.

"You did a good job!"

She wished she could cut off the obstructive white cat in front of her.

However, she felt that at the moment of the explosion, the white cat's pain was clearly transmitted to her body.

And the burning sensation when it was burned by the embers also hurt on her skin, so clear.

What it said was not a joke, there really was such a thing as a blood contract!
She finally began to face up to its words.

"Blood deed, what's going on!" Lu Nanqi's teeth were about to shatter.

This day is such a big trouble, why did you form a blood sacrifice with her?
It says that life and death depend on each other.

Does it die and she dies too?




She was mad, "Remove immediately!"

"It can't be lifted." The white cat shook its body that was blackened by the fire and only had short hair left, and walked up to her again, "You and I can only stay together."

"What if I don't?"

"Then you have to bless me, I can survive well without me by your side."

"You threatened me!" Lu Nan's seven eyes showed killing intent, and he hated again.

Damn it, she was coerced by a cat!

Listening to her cursing in her heart, the white cat raised its dirty paw leisurely, scratched its face, and said, "Don't speak so harshly, I'm not coercing you. The most I can do is trick you."

"Heh..." Lu Nanqi sneered, "You finally admit that the blood contract is not a good thing!"

"You can't say that." The white cat retorted, "My current ability is weak because I have been locked up here and have no chance to come out to eat. When I eat a lot of crystal nuclei, I will definitely become stronger than you. You Just wait and see my great transformation."

"From a cat to a mouse!" Lu Nanqi sarcastically said, "Since you are so powerful, you should have escaped from that room from the very beginning!"

"It's an iron wall. Unless the door is opened, how can I get out? I can get out so easily, and I still need to make a blood contract with you now? You beg me, but I still don't like it."

"Oh, I beg you, please cancel this ridiculous blood contract for me!" Lu Nanqi said loudly, "You can't starve to death in it for more than a month, but you can't even go out, you Are the paws just for display, scratching the ground can make a hole. It’s so powerful, how could you step on the mechanism, and how could the hair on your body be burned off?"

"Stupid woman, that room is full of secrets, and the entire inner wall of the room is sealed. If it weren't for the power failure inside after the end of the world and the door was broken, how could I have been trapped in it for so long? Of course I can survive by relying on Relief for your companions. That mechanism was designed by the people here to prevent thieves like you. , with the help of a room full of weapons and explosives, do you think you can still survive?"

The secret compartment is used to deal with those with impure thoughts. The buried underground is specially modified mini ammunition, and the secret compartment is the activation switch.

After the explosion, the dangerous goods in the room will also explode quickly.

Therefore, they should all be thankful that it happened after she collected everything.

A little earlier, and neither of them would ever see the sun the next day.

Lu Nanqi suddenly released a long knife from the space and cut it across its neck, "To be honest, you planned to form a blood contract with me as soon as you came out of that secret room, didn't you?"

"You can't say that, I was going to leave, but thinking about the oath I made, I can't break it, so I have to wrong myself and make a blood contract with you." The white cat looked pitiful.

 Add more updates for the recommendation ticket, the little cuties are more supportive, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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