Chapter 278 Little Goblin

She opened the door, and the white cat jumped into the car first, and then jumped over from the driver's seat to the co-pilot.

"So, I repaid you." The white cat said fearlessly.

"My ancestral grave is full of smoke, that's why I got such a 'good' reward from you." Lu Nanqi sarcastically.

The white cat shook its scorched hair, "You should be grateful to Dade."

Lu Nanqi rolled his eyes and got into the car, "Where's your name? I can't always call you White Cat. The hair on your body...hehehe, I'm really sorry for these two words."

"My hair is so pure and flawless." The white cat's eyes fell on the window, and the words froze immediately, "Forget it, you should just give me a name..."

Now this disfigured image is really damaged.

is this it

Oh, it sure isn't it.

This is totally a crazy cat.

"How about calling you a goblin?" Lu Nanqi said.

"OMG, I would rather insult the word white cat."

It covers its face with its paws.

"The goblin loves you." Lu Nanqi didn't care if it was willing or not, started the car and drove away and said, "It's such a happy decision. Sit down, little goblin, we're leaving."

The goblin went crazy, "I'm a male cat! I'm a male cat! I'm a male cat!"

"Male cats are also cats. If they are cats, they are all enchanting. The name fairy is worthy of the name." Lu Nanqi narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Well, it feels good to bully the cat, and I feel better.

The goblin curled up in the co-pilot and ignored her.

On the way back, Lu Nanqi's car was delayed for two days in the space.

Because of her disappearance, I don't know what will happen to my mother and brother.

She didn't dare to waste any more time, and bravely accelerated all the way back.

The whole road is barren, and with the cleaning up before coming, the speed is faster when going back.

Finally reached the landslide hill.

In just two days, the bamboo forest on the mountain seemed to be much denser.

The swaying green branches exude a strange beauty.

She got out of the car, drove the little goblin out of the car, put the car back into the space, and slowly climbed up the hill.

The goblin walked in front of her, "Stupid woman, not only stupid, but also timid, is she still afraid of the birds and beasts on the mountain?"

"Be quiet." Lu Nanqi warned, "If you talk again, I will tie you up with a rope."

The little goblin waved her hips, "That's just right, I don't want to take any more steps when I'm exhausted right now, I just want to fill my stomach with crystal nuclei, if you can tie me up, I'll be happier, come squat down, don't need you Bundle, I will consciously put you on your back, and promise not to say a word."

The veins on Lu Nanqi's forehead jumped and jumped, and he kicked it, "Shut up!"

"How can you be so violent!" The little goblin jumped away, jumped forward for more than two meters, and looked back at her angrily.

At this moment, there was a small "rustling" sound from the surroundings.



It's like the soft sound of footsteps stepping on dead leaves, and it's like the light crackling of wind blowing through the leaves.

But at this time, there was no sign of wind around.

Everything came so abrupt and weird.

In an instant, Lu Nanqi put up his whole body on guard, with a long knife in his hand, posing in a fighting state.

The little goblin finally felt that something was wrong, her limbs were stiff on the ground, her body was arched, her two sharp teeth were exposed, and she bared her teeth.



The sound was getting closer and closer, as if it was right next to their ears, and it was clearly getting closer, but when they listened carefully, those weird sounds disappeared again.

"It's gone?" The little goblin lowered her voice, a little confused, "Did we hear it wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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