Chapter 300
Wu Wenbin has an earth-type supernatural ability, which is very effective at such times. With Meng Lun's speed, it is the most perfect combination.

Wu Wenbin is still in a state of tension, this kind of experience is still too little, and it is such an important action, I am afraid that because of my inappropriate actions, I will drag the team down, the whole process is full of [-] points .

Hearing what Lu Nanqi said, he nodded immediately, "Don't worry, I will definitely do my best to complete the task you gave me."

"Relax, I'm still here, you're not alone, nothing will go wrong." Meng Lun comforted.

While talking, they finally arrived.

Three meters away from the old house, Lu Nanqi signaled them to stop, while she fell into the dark house by herself.

The four people who stayed in place looked at each other.

At this time, Liao Sponge had completely absorbed the crystal nucleus, and a smile rarely overflowed from his tense face.

He has advanced, and he can clearly feel the full explosive power in his body, surging and expanding like a spring in his body, and then gradually returning to calm.

The news gave them encouragement.

Several people increased their confidence.

Lu Nanqi left for about 5 minutes before returning to their team.

"It's here, everyone starts to act." Her guess was indeed right, this dark and desolate old residential area was hiding densely packed zombies.

Several people became nervous again, Wu Wenbin took a deep breath, and the other three couldn't help but also followed suit.

Lu Nanqi glanced at them and said solemnly: "Everyone be careful!"

Such a task is fraught with danger, and at any moment, there is the possibility of sacrifice.

When starting and acting, everyone should be prepared for the worst, and there should be no chance of luck.

Everyone understands that this is a battle.

Their expressions were more serious than hers, "Be careful too!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, everyone, let's go!" Lu Nanqi urged again.

Wu Wenbin was the first to act first, and placed two earthen walls on the gate closest to them. After sealing the exit, he began to look for other gates with the help of Meng Lun's speed ability. export.

The two figures disappeared before their eyes.

Lu Nanqi withdrew his gaze to look at Lu Li, and took a final reminder, "Take care of Liao Sponge, take care of yourself, wait for my news, and don't act without authorization!"

Immediately afterwards, her figure also rushed into the dilapidated residence, borrowed her vines, swung into the second floor of the residence, and then walked along the second floor to the place where the zombies were hiding.

In the middle of the road in the residential area separated by two rows of houses, countless zombies were crowded. People with intensive phobias would absolutely vomit out of nausea on the spot when they saw this moment.

Even Lu Nanqi frowned deeply.

It was the same scene again, these zombies were not idle, they were constantly gnawing on their companions.

The psychic zombie is growing its team, and it intends to use this to deal a fatal blow to the base.

In other words, its brain at the moment is running at high speed.

The time of work is also the time when its brain is weakest.

Lu Nanqi seemed to see the best opportunity.

She quickly moved her hands, through the two rows of corridors, vines were entwined on them, and her body was shaking vigorously. The gasoline released from the space was accurately sprinkled on them, picking out the zombies on the outside, and making a full circle around them.

From a high place, Meng Lun could still be seen flashing past with Wu Wenbin.

It seemed that everything was going smoother than they had imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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