Chapter 315 Casualties
She took out a pair of loose trousers from the space, slipped her fair legs into them neatly, glared at him, and then opened the door to go out.

Huo Ping followed behind her, "I really can't sit still, wouldn't it be good to stay indoors?"

"If I just want to go back to the base and stay in the house, how about desperately coming back?" Lu Nanqi glanced at him sideways, with the eyes of a fool.

"That was before, now that I'm back, I will find a way to solve all this." Huo Ping said.

Lu Nanqi reminded, "You use your method to solve your problem, and I use my method to solve my problem. We have nothing to do with each other."

The two walked side by side towards the gate of the base.

Not long after walking, I met Du Bing who was hurrying over here.

Seeing the two of them, Du Bing rushed forward and stood in front of Lu Nanqi, "I heard that you were injured, how are you doing now, where is the injury?"

"Small injuries, all taken care of." Lu Nanqi said, and then asked: "What's the situation outside now?"

"The spiritual zombie seemed to have disappeared suddenly. It had been dealing with the brothers on the wall, but after that, there was no movement at all. The zombies that hit the gate also dispersed, which is very strange."

"Casualties." Lu Nanqi paused, "How much?"

Du Bing sighed for a while, before saying, "The brothers who fell were said to be more than 200 people, and those who were attacked by zombies, there were dozens of people in the base."

"Now, no one is guarding the fence again?" Huo Ping asked.

Du Bing explained: "Those dozens of people whose minds were controlled kept hacking with knives, causing a lot of chaos in the base. Most of the casualties had supernatural powers. The casualties were too heavy. People with supernatural powers, seeing this scene, have already flinched in fright, not many people are willing to go up to the fence and guard it, so far, only a few are still guarding it."

Lu Nanqi frowned fiercely, "Tell the remaining people to immediately put down everything in their hands and go up to guard!"

A base, the only security is not relying on that wall.

Without the wall, there is no security at all.

The most critical place, but no one is guarding, who gave the order!
"The zombies just left, so they probably won't come back so soon." Du Bing said, "Even if all the brothers are called, they still can't all guard the wall. There are simply not enough people."

"If you can't keep it, find a way to keep it!" Lu Nanqi shouted.

Huo Ping next to him said: "Whether we can be safe depends on whether we can defend the wall from being breached by zombies. No matter how many people there are, send them to me. If you put down the news, all men must come to the front line for me. Anyone who violates If ordered, just throw it outside the base!"

Everyone is afraid of death, there are so many zombies outside now.

If it was thrown out, it would be the end of immediate death.

As soon as the news came out, men were seen climbing up the fence one after another.

Lu Nanqi saw Tan Jiatong in the crowd.

Among a bunch of men, she stood out like a chicken.

Tan Jiatong also saw Lu Nanqi and the others, and walked towards them happily, "Great, you're finally back, I haven't seen you, but I'm so worried."

Looking at Lu Nanqi's exposed burned skin, the smile on her face faded, "Are you injured?"

"Small injury." Lu Nanqi said: "The mental zombies haven't been dealt with yet, so be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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