Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 320 The Transformation of Seven People

Chapter 320 Transformation of a Person

Du Bing said: "Go back. After the wall was breached, all the zombies came here, which also gave them a chance to come back. Your brother went to the infirmary immediately to see Xiaobao. I have been there all the time." Outside, I don’t know what’s going on there now.”

It was beyond her expectation that Chen Xiaobao would be injured.

She even thought that none of those who went out might come back, and they would all die under the attack of spiritual zombies.

But I don't think there is anything wrong with the people outside.

On the contrary, the people in the base suffered heavy casualties, even the people on the other side of the residence had accidents.

Things are really unpredictable.

"You guys deal with it first, I'll go to Xiaobao's place to have a look." She was still worried after all.

After all, Chen Xiaobao ran out because of her.

Before Du Bing could respond, her figure had already run away.


In the infirmary, Chen Xiaobao was still unconscious on the hospital bed, and Lu Li was using his healing system to try to revive her.

However, Chen Xiaobao who was lying on the bed was still pale, and there was no sign of waking up.

Her arm was bleeding, and there was a row of clear tooth marks on it, which was where the zombie bit her.

Mingshu was by the bed, holding Chen Xiaobao's hand tightly, his eyes were red, when he saw Lu Nanqi coming in, his brows and eyes trembled, tears almost fell down.

But this time, she held back firmly, and only called out in a trembling voice, "Nan Qi."

The little man who has been unconscious on the bed, and the other hand resting quietly on the quilt, the little finger can't be detected.

Lu Nanqi paced over, "How's it going?"

"For some reason, it didn't work." Lu Li worried.

Lu Nanqi went over, took Mingshu's place, stood beside the bed, held Chen Xiaobao's hand, and held it tightly, "Seventh Sister is back."

Chen Xiaobao, who was in a coma, seemed to be able to hear what she said. Although he was in a coma, his brows twitched, and the frown that had been tightly frowning gradually loosened and smoothed in her voice.

Liao Sponge cried out in surprise, "She can hear Seventh Sister's words."

Probably not audible, but she is still in a coma, and she can still feel her existence through touching her.

"Sister, Xiaobao's hand was bitten. My healing system seems to have failed. It doesn't work for her at all. What should I do? Do you have any other options?" Lu Li looked confused.

His ability has effects on other people, why it has no effect on her?

"She has a heart attack and was bitten by a zombie. If this continues, what will happen?" Ming Shu said the most crucial point.

Everyone followed in silence.

There is a sound at the base, but there is no medical equipment. She has a heart attack. Without complete equipment and conditions, she will die.

Plus being bitten by a zombie.

There is only one ending left for her, and that is a dead end.

They were aware of the ending, but no one said it outright.

Chen Xiaochen became so crazy, is it because he knew the ending that he held the mentality of going to death, and slashed and killed zombies like that outside.

A person's transformation is often only stimulated by one thing.

She is so.

The same is true for Chen Xiaochen now.

"Has the doctor dealt with her heart disease?" Lu Nanqi asked suddenly.

"No, the doctor couldn't do anything. Later, Xiao Li used his supernatural powers, and she gradually calmed down." Ming Shu explained.

Lu Nanqi seemed to realize something suddenly, and looked at Liao Sponge, "Is this the first time she has been bitten?"

(End of this chapter)

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