Chapter 322

Chen Xiaochen and Jia Baihang stood on the roof of the car with guns in their hands and kept shooting at the zombies.

Lu Nanqi yelled at them, "Is there any crystal nucleus!"

"Not with me." Jia Baihang responded.

Lu Nanqi's eyes searched for Meng Lun's shadow in the crowd, and he went around twice, but couldn't see him.

"Where did Meng Lun go?" She climbed out from the roof of the car, standing on the roof like them, with a gun in her hand.

The ability was almost used up when she came back, and she was released in a hurry before, but now it is impossible to ask her to use the ability.

What was different from them was that she had installed a silencer, so even if she fired with a gun, it still wouldn't affect anything.

"Everyone is in a mess, how can I care about others, I saw him rescue others below, but I don't know where he went later." Jia Baihang said, the bullets in his hand were quickly exhausted, he turned his back, Use a knife instead, jump under the car, and fight the zombies up close.

Over there, Chen Xiaochen ran out of bullets and jumped down to fight with Jia Baihang.

But there were still gunshots all around.

The sound will make the zombies more excited and excited, but without the supernatural energy, they can only use guns.

Lu Nanqi took out two rows of bullets from the space and threw each to Jia Baihang and Chen Xiaochen, "Find Meng Lun for me, he has a crystal nucleus, and Lu Li needs it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone knew in their hearts that Lu Li must be in the infirmary to treat Chen Xiaobao, so he wasted energy.

"Xiaobao, she..." Chen Xiaochen asked subconsciously, but shut up again.

He was worried about her body and at the same time afraid of hearing the terrible answer.

Staying in the infirmary was simply suffering, so he chose to run out.

If something really happened to Chen Xiaobao, he would definitely wash away this zombie wave, even if it cost his own life.

"I believe that she can get through this difficult time." Lu Nanqi was relieved, the gun in his hand didn't stop, and the zombies fell to the ground quickly in front of her eyes.

"As long as you can save Xiaobao, my life will be yours from now on!" Chen Xiaochen said loudly, reloading the bullets, rushing forward to fight, it was really a desperate struggle.

"How much is your life worth? If you have this kind of thought, it's better to save your life and save it for me to do good things in the future!" Lu Nanqi shouted, "Stop talking nonsense, find Meng Lun for me!"

"There, look!" Jia Baihang said suddenly.

Meng Lun was trying his best to take the people away from the crowd and the tide of corpses.

He carried a heavy bag on his back.

That was the backpack they used to hold the crystal nucleus.

"Go, go!" Lu Nanqi ordered, and he was the first to approach Meng Lun.

There are countless zombies pouring in from outside the base, no matter how they fight, the zombies are like a tide, rushing towards them endlessly, wishing to drown the entire base.

Huo Ping also moved closer to them, and gave Lu Nanqi a dissatisfied look, "Why are you out again!"

He thought she had finally learned to be smart and knew how to hide.

But it turned out that he was still as stupid as ever.

That zombie is smart, if Lu Nanqi killed another zombie, it will definitely find a way to avenge the dead spirit zombie.

She is destined to be dangerous if she stays here.

"Little Treasure needs a crystal nucleus!" Lu Nanqi said simply.

Huo Ping threw the backpack on his back to her, "Mine, take it and go back."

(End of this chapter)

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