Chapter 326 You Are Not Bad
No longer desperately attacking and defending in one direction, but looking for the breath of human beings.

Wherever there is a scent of temptation, go there.

The two people in the zombie tide looked at each other and quickly leaned back to back.

Lu Nanqi rarely praised generously, "Not bad."

Huo Ping smiled, "You're not bad either."

"Let's see who returns to the base first." Lu Nanqi smiled, with a taste of bitterness.

They are in the zombie tide, it is really hard to say whether they can return to the base smoothly and safely.

The only consoling thing is that there are no zombies of a higher level than them.

To be exact, there is no zombie with a higher level than Lu Nanqi.

"Then try." Huo Ping didn't show any lamentation, just smiled, holding a knife in each hand, he slashed and killed easily like playing with fruit, and soon he was much faster than Lu Nanqi, "Look, You're going to lose."

"We haven't reached the end yet, so don't be too confident!" Lu Nanqi raised his gun with both hands, which was much easier than him. He shot continuously and easily caught up with him.

After glancing at him, she still gave him two pistols from the space, "Let's save some effort and go back to the base."

Both of them knew in each other's hearts that the last eruption had exhausted their strength.

There is not much strength to support them to go back.

If I don't use weapons, I'm afraid that if I can't walk a few meters, I will lose all my strength and fall to the ground.

Huo Ping didn't shirk, took the gun, and went back to back with her again, killing the zombies around him, and rushed towards the base at the same time.

The few people on the wall have also been persistently shooting the zombies around them to relieve their burden.

The zombies in the base are much easier to deal with without the control of spiritual zombies.

Many lay on the ground and gnawed those who had died, and many continued to attack the crowd.

But soon, he was killed by people with weapons.

More and more zombies were wiped out.

Those zombies outside the base also forgot to squeeze into the temporary fence set up by a few cars, and just wandered outside.

The roars of the zombies gradually died down, and soon, the sound of gunfire covered their roars.

Lu Nanqi and Huo Ping cooperated tacitly, and with the help of several people on the fence, they successfully approached the gap blocked by several cars.

The two looked at each other and jumped onto the roof at the same time.

The zombies following them quickly filled the place where they were standing just now, trying to reach out to grab them, but just as they stretched out their hands, they were shot to death by a few people on the wall.

Lu Nanqi jumped from the roof of the car back to the ground in the base, and raised the corners of his mouth to the men on the wall, "Thank you very much."

Du Bing and the others jumped off the fence one after another and joined the battle on the ground, "Isn't it too polite to say thank you to comrades in arms?"

"Don't thank me for your kindness, I will keep it in my heart." Lu Nanqi said, continuing to shoot the zombies in the base with his gun.

After some fighting, those zombies were finally wiped out.

The corpses all over the ground looked really tragic.

Those after the battle spontaneously began to move away from the corpses, dug out the crystal nuclei in the brains of those zombies, and then threw them outside the base in a concentrated manner.

Plus those lives just lost.

For a moment, piles of corpses fell outside the base like a mountain.

Many people stood on the wall and watched, feeling unhappy and weeping silently.

This is a world of only carnage.

They didn't get stronger and ended up being sacrificial.

Looking at the pile of corpses, gradually, some people finally came to their senses and finally came to their senses.

If human beings don't struggle any longer, they will just wait to perish!

 Pfft, I posted the wrong chapter, it's this chapter... 囧, add more for the lost cutie, please~
(End of this chapter)

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