Chapter 341 follow her

Xi Lingzhi screamed and scolded her, and was finally taken away by the patrolling people.

Lu Nanqi patted the dust off his body leisurely, and left freely.

Some people are born with low bones, and they don't know how to behave after being beaten.

With the departure of Xi Lingzhi and the patrolling people, the surroundings became quiet again.

The stars in the sky are shining like rotten fireworks, shining in the sky.

She slowed down and enjoyed the beauty of this moment.

If people can still see the same peaceful scenery as before the end of the world, probably only this sky is left.

I just don't know when such beauty will disappear.

In the previous life, such stars were also slowly disappearing with time.

There is no sun, no moonlight, and no starlight.

Like the sudden plunge in darkness last time.

This kind of darkness will always be with people.

She was thinking in a trance, and suddenly heard footsteps in her ears.

"Who!" She snapped, and waited to listen carefully, but there was nothing.

But she was 100% sure that someone was following her just now.

When she spoke, the man fled at the same time.

It can be seen that the opponent's skill is very agile, and the speed of action is not inferior to hers.

Who is it?
In this base, there is no way she would not have noticed people with such abilities.

Among those supernatural beings, she had never seen anyone with such a fast speed.

Even Meng Lun is nothing more than that.

Lu Nanqi raised his heart, stopped wandering outside, tightened his backpack, and quickly returned to his residence.

When he went back, Liao Sponge had almost absorbed those ordinary crystal nuclei.

She put the two spiritual nuclei in front of him, watched him absorb the nuclei with her own eyes, and then left some of the nuclei she had just brought from Huo Zhonglin's office to Meng Lun, and she took the rest back to the room by herself , and slowly infiltrate the energy of the crystal nucleus.

Two months into the last days, more people have supernatural powers.

Their ability to advance is much easier than hers.

Although she is now a third-level wood type, if she doesn't pay close attention to collecting crystal nuclei, she will be overtaken by others sooner or later.

Plus she still has room to raise.

Thinking of all kinds of needs, I really can't even laugh.


It was late at night, Ming Shu and Chen Xiaobao had already fallen asleep.

Lu Nanqi sat on the bed, thinking about the person who followed her when she came back tonight, unable to fall asleep.

There was a cat meowing outside the window, but she ignored it.

After a while, the cat's meowing stopped, and it became the sound of scratching from the door.

The sharp claws scratched on the iron door, making an ear-piercing and unpleasant sound, like scratching in the heart of a person, scratching the heart and lungs, and the annoying person wanted to swear.

She quickly jumped out of the bed, and hurriedly opened the door: If you scratch again, believe it or not, I will kick you away with one kick!
The little goblin's small body squeezed into the room from her feet: It's winter, do you want to freeze me to death?
Lu Nanqi turned around and closed the door together: You'd better be cold to death.

The little fairy jumped into her bed: I'm dead, and it's no good for you. Didn't you say you want to give me the crystal nucleus? Where is it? Bring it to Grandpa quickly.

Lu Nanqi picked it up and threw it to the foot of the bed, and lay back under the quilt by himself: It's gone.

The little goblin climbed up from the quilt to her side, just showing its cat's head: You promised me this with your own words, and you can't cheat if you want to!

Lu Nanqi closed his eyes and ignored it.

It put the cat's paw on her face: Can you give me the crystal nucleus!

Lu Nan clapped his hands together: I am going to starve to death myself, how can I support you, you still accept the reality and earn your own living earlier.

 Thanks to the agent for the reward again, um... and her comments, I can only say that I feel sorry for her for a second... I can see her comments in the background, but when I click in, it shows that this comment has been deleted Delete, not only hers, several cute comments have had this kind of problem, can't reply... Then I will reply here, brother Wu Feng, it will appear soon, don't worry~
(End of this chapter)

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