Chapter 345 Adaptability
I don't know who leaked the news.

The news that Lu Nanqi wanted to form a team spread at the speed of light.

Many people came to her.

Most are women.

Expressing her position with her, wholeheartedly, heartbroken, tears and snot pouring out about her pitiful experience, and someone threatening her...

In short, there are all kinds of people, and naturally there are men, some want to be with her, and some come to find her to be her subordinates.

Annoyed by the noise, Lu Nanqi hid alone and handed over the matter to Meng Lun and Tan Jiatong.

She herself took a cat and went to the market.

She was disguised and put on a wig and hat, but no one recognized her.

The bustling downtown has not changed because of a killing of zombies and humans.

They seem to have gotten used to this kind of life. After the battle, they are still doing what they should do.

The strong adaptability of human beings is probably the reason why human beings are never indelible.

like vines.

Tenacious, stubborn, rooted to the ground.


The owner of the stall kept yelling, enthusiastically attracting customers, most of them bartered, and it was best to have food or crystal nuclei.

Different items have different exchange prices.

The purpose of Lu Nanqi's trip this time was to find a satisfactory sword.

Yes, sword.

Not a knife.

She has a lot of knives, but it has been two months since the end of the world, and she still can't use them smoothly, and the knives made by people today are too fragile, and they are incomparable with the swords handed down from ancient times.

She went straight to the stalls that sold curios and curiosities and knives.

Although there are many people in the market, the classification is actually very clear. Each type of object is concentrated in the same place, and it is very convenient to choose.

There are more than a dozen stalls selling antiques. People nowadays can't get enough to eat. How can anyone buy these things.

The arrival of Lu Nanqi was like sunlight shining into a dark world, making their hearts glow with light.

The owner of the stall rushed up to her and enthusiastically introduced the items in his stall, wishing he could carry her back to his stall.

"Do you have a sword?" Lu Nanqi asked directly.

"Yes, yes, I have here, a lot of swords, whatever style you want, I basically have them here." One of the bosses squeezed in front of her, enthusiastically recommending himself.

Seeing how enthusiastic they were, Lu Nanqi simply stood still and said to them, "If you have a sword, just bring it to me, as long as it can get into my eyes, everything else is fine."

A dozen or so people dispersed in a hurry, and soon came up to her with the swords of each family.

Lu Nanqi's family looked over, but unfortunately, none of them were satisfactory.

Some even use knives to make up the money.

Lu Nanqi blasted the three of them away, what the hell, when she was a three-year-old child, this kind of thing dared to fool her.

The remaining ones were screened again to remove those bad swords, and there were only three that remained.

"My swords are the swords used by the generals in ancient times. They are sharp and stiff. In such an uneven world, it is absolutely safe to bring them."

"This is also a sword left over from ancient times. It has been passed down to this day by more than ten generations of ancestors."

"This is still the Ancient Excalibur."

"If you want me to buy things properly, you all shut up." Lu Nanqi drank, holding the sword himself, looking at each one.

There are different lengths, but some swords are really good, and it is not impossible to use them to kill zombies.

However, there is still a lack of charm that can attract her all at once.

 The cuties said that there are few updates, and there are 4 updates every day. This period of time is actually five or six. After the fourth watch, I looked at the date, and the fourth watch has only been restored for three days, and you are screaming, emmmmm... Then, well, follow your call, and add a new chapter tonight.The little cuties continue to support, and the voice of appeal continues to be high. On January 1-January 12, I will give you six chapters of the daily update, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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