Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 349 Are You Buyed By Him?

Chapter 349 Are You Buyed By Him?

"Okay, don't think so much, I have my own plan, just move." Lu Nanqi patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "I know you are doing it for my own good, but I believe that Huo Ping and the others are not That kind of people."

Meng Lun frowned even more. What he was really worried about was not this.

Worried that she lost her eyes because she believed in Huo Ping.

But she is Lu Nanqi, so how can he dissuade her with a word or two.

They didn't have much luggage, and Lu Nanqi had his own space, so he didn't need them to pack anything. Soon, a group of people moved over.

It was only when they got there that they realized that Huo Ping had arranged two houses for them.

Lu Nanqi lived in the same building as Ming Shu and Chen Xiaobao, and the men lived in the building next to her.

Chen Xiaochen was very happy at first, but when he saw that they were living on each side, he immediately had an opinion, and recklessly wanted to live with Lu Nanqi.

Meng Lun also disagreed, it would be inconvenient to live separately and take care of things.

Huo Ping's explanation is, "living in one room is not enough."

"Chen Xiaochen, are you naive or not?" The one who made fun of Chen Xiaochen was none other than his own sister. Chen Xiaobao had an angry expression on his face, "You are a big man living with a few of us women, why not?" It's convenient, with Seventh Sister by our side, there's no need to worry about safety."

Chen Xiaochen just wanted to live here recklessly and separate from Lu Nanqi, so wouldn't the relationship between them become weaker in the future?
He tried his best to wink at Chen Xiaobao, but unfortunately, this time Chen Xiaobao ignored it the whole time.

Somehow, in the past, if he wanted to do something for Lu Nanqi, she would fully cooperate with Chen Xiaochen.

But today, she insisted on driving this group of men away.

Chen Xiaochen had no helpers, and Lu Nanqi was determined to let them all live next door.

Without any excuses, he could only give up his own mind.

The men went to the building next door, and Lu Nanqi chose his room here.

Chen Xiaobao consciously took her to the master bedroom on the second floor. There was a huge floor-to-ceiling window in the room. As long as you lay on the bed, you could see everything outside.

"Looking at the stars here at night must be beautiful." Chen Xiaobao looked at her with a smile and said.

Lu Nanqi was taken aback for a moment, remembering the thing about looking at the stars outside the house the day before yesterday.

Huo Ping let her move here because of this?

She guessed that she felt uncomfortable for a while.

He is indeed very careful, but it is a pity that this carefulness is used in the wrong place.

"You were bought by him?" Lu Nanqi glanced at her.

Chen Xiaobao hurriedly waved his hands, "The world is a lesson, I will only be Seventh Sister's person in this life, wouldn't it be good to stay comfortably by your side, why would I want to be someone else's lackey, right?"

"Then why did you suddenly work for Huo Ping?"

Chen Xiaobao looked at her with innocent eyes, "I don't, I just know that you will never be with your brother in this life, so why don't you let your brother see the reality earlier, lest he suffer too much in the future."

"I didn't expect you to be a little kid with a more transparent mind than your brother." Lu Nanqi couldn't help laughing, "However, how do you know so much about such an adult's relationship?"

"Who hasn't watched a few romantic dramas? My mother used to love to watch romantic dramas, and I've been fascinated by them." Chen Xiaobao raised his chin with a little pride.

Lu Nanqi smiled, "Fortunately, this is the end of the world. If it were the past, a kid who knew so much would definitely be given ideological work by adults."

Chen Xiaobao suddenly had a painful expression on his face, "Is it possible to escape being subjected to ideological work after the end of the world? Then why, as long as my brother is free, he will grab me to do ideological work every day, and he will never leave you."

(End of this chapter)

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