Chapter 353 My Body Reacts

"Then tell me, what's the matter with the light just now, and what's the matter with the heat in my body?" Seeing that she started to drive away, he went straight in.

"What's the light, what's the fever?" Lu Nanqi should keep it secret to the end. She hasn't figured it out yet, so how can she easily reveal it to others.

This matter is related to her body, so of course it cannot be taken lightly.

Huo Ping approached her step by step, "You can't hide it from me."

"Light is a desk lamp. Your body is hot, so you have to ask yourself." Lu Nanqi backed away.

Huo Ping walked into the room, hooked the door behind him, and closed the door, "You can't lie to me, if there is no situation, you won't be intimate with me suddenly."

"They said it was just a joke, why do you have to take it seriously." Lu Nanqi seemed to sigh, and if he didn't leave, she simply sat on the small balcony, so that he could no longer approach her.

Huo Ping really stood by her side, only staring at her with those deep eyes.

Lu Nanqi turned his face away and looked at the starry sky outside, "It is indeed more comfortable to watch here than in the yard."

"You are still trying to change the subject, Qiqi, tell me, if there is any difficulty, I can still help you." He possessed himself, put his hands on her sides, and kept his whole body close to her. The distance between him and her was The moment is only close at hand.

"Huo Ping." She finally straightened her face, knowing that she couldn't easily fool him, so there was no need to pretend anymore, "This is my personal matter, don't you, care a little too much?"

"My body reacted." Huo Ping was more serious than her, "Since it involves me, it cannot be said to be your business alone."

"Then, I'm just saying that I don't know anything about it." Lu Nanqi raised his head and looked straight into his eyes, "Suddenly there was a beam of light, and my body also became hot, but it disappeared soon. Other than that, I don't know anything."

"It's that simple?" Huo Ping questioned.

Lu Nanqi smiled, "Huo Ping, you don't know what kind of temperament I am? Even if I really know something, if I don't want to say it, who can do anything?"

Huo Ping took a deep look at her, and slowly stood up from her, "I was too anxious."

He stopped questioning her persistently.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

She turned her head to look at the night sky again, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. What echoed in her thoughts were all Huo Ping's words just now.

His body reacted to the light from her body, so does that mean that the spot on her palm has something to do with him?

I can't figure it out, and my thoughts are in a mess for a while.

She frowned slightly, and the whole person became more silent.

Huo Ping stared at her, and finally said nothing, followed her gaze and looked out together.

The night is beautiful, just like her eyes.

The two hadn't come down for a long time, and there was another knock on the door.

The two people in the room who were silent with each other finally reacted.

Huo Ping turned around first, and went to open the door.

Standing outside the door was Du Bing, his eyes lingered on the two of them, collecting information, and then came to a conclusion.

They are indeed together.

"What's the matter?" Huo Ping was the first to break the silence at this moment.

Du Bing's eyes fell on Lu Nanqi who was walking, and said, "Everyone is waiting for you to go down and eat."

Lu Nanqi walked out of the room first, "Let's go."

The three of them went downstairs one after the other, with Lu Nanqi at the front and Huo Ping at the back.

A group of people who were still lively downstairs suddenly became quiet as they watched them go downstairs.

The three people who came down had a weird atmosphere, all of them had tense faces and were not in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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