Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 357 The Rumored Character

Chapter 357 The Rumored Character
The shirtless man was startled, and looked at Lu Nanqi, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he was silent for a while, not daring to speak.

To save face, he would talk more cheerfully, so naturally he wouldn't really fight Lu Nanqi.

But the words have already been released, and Lu Nanqi heard it with his own ears, if he keeps silent, he might make these spectators laugh at him.

He subconsciously glanced and took a step back, swallowing hard, "They are all willing to gamble and admit defeat. It is your people who are making trouble for no reason. No wonder I said such things."

"That's right, the game is about willing to bet and admit defeat. Since my people are defeated by you, then I have nothing to say, my skills are not as good as others, so I can only go back and practice again." Lu Nanqi walked into the painting slowly. In the circled martial arts arena, he finally stood in front of the man, "Since you have sent me a battle invitation, if I refuse to fight, wouldn't it be an act of a idiot? It is my honor to compete with a hero. If so, then I Naturally, respect is worse than obedience, don’t you think so?”

She has a slight smile on her face.

The shirtless man looked at her, but he felt a sudden chill on his back. The sweat that was originally dripping from his forehead suddenly turned into cold sweat, and fell straight down.

"Fight! Fight!"


"Fight, fight..."

The crowd continued to burst into cheers.

Shrinking at this time will definitely make people laugh at you like a shrinking turtle for a lifetime!

The shirtless man gritted his teeth and had to fight, "Come on, where are there so many nonsense on the battlefield, if you want to fight, just shoot."

"Tan Jiatong, take them down." Lu Nanqi said, and walked to the center of the arena, waiting for the man's move.

"You're a woman, I'll let you make the first move." The shirtless man said, actually guilty, he wanted her to make the first move, to see her moves and routines.

But Lu Nanqi laughed, "I'm afraid that if I make a move, nothing will happen to you."

"Hey, she is looking down on you. If you don't make a move, are you going to be looked down upon by a woman?" The crowd laughed.

The shirtless man's face turned gloomy for a moment, and regardless of other things, he looked for a stern shot at Lu Nanqi.

Facing his moves with his hands behind his back, Lu Nanqi just blindly dodged sideways, not rushing to deal with them.

The shirtless man made dozens of moves in a row, but he didn't even touch her hair once.

Lu Nanqi, on the other hand, always looked at him with a half-smile.

The smile fell into the man's eyes, creating a mockery of his ability.

He became frantic and irritable, and his moves became more urgent, "Whether you fight or not, what do you mean by hiding like this all the time!"

The man made every move with great determination, and wherever he stepped on the ground, there would be cracks and dents.

It is a power-type supernatural being, one level, and will be promoted to two levels soon.

Lu Nanqi saw through his supernatural ability, the smile on his lips gradually deepened, his hands moved forward suddenly, and he made a move, his figure deftly bent backwards, but his feet slid towards him, pressing in front of him, slipping Turning to his side, in a blink of an eye, people are behind him.

When she straightened her body, her fingers also stretched out like eagle claws, the strength gathered in her fingers, and hit his temple directly.

The man lost his mind, and he slid sideways for several steps before he managed to stabilize the corner. He held his head, but for a while, he couldn't react.

The power-type supernatural being was fooled by her just like this.

For a moment, everyone outside the venue could not help but gasp.

The rumored Seventh Sister is indeed not an ordinary person.

"Anyone who doesn't agree with my team can come up while I'm here today!" Lu Nanqi scanned the people off the field and looked at them all.

As soon as she finished speaking, the shirtless man staggered and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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