Chapter 361
He changed his color and tried his best to release green vines to attack her.

It's a pity that those seemingly powerful green vines were not forbidden at all. When they hit her green vines, they broke in the air.

He was terrified in his heart, and retreated abruptly, Lu Nanqi's green vines took advantage of the victory and pursued him, hitting his face directly.

Seeing that her green vine was about to poke his eyes, but at a critical moment, she stopped suddenly.

The man hung his heart on his chest, looked at the green vine in front of him, and held his breath, not daring to breathe.

At this moment, thunderous applause burst out from the audience.

The man woke up like a dream, only to realize that he had withdrawn from the competition field and lost without a fight.

Lu Nanqi took back her green vine, and walked up to him with a smile, "Men, they just like to talk big."

The man with glasses turned hot. It was in vain that he had dual abilities. He thought he could surpass her in speed, and he would have a quick game to impress his team.

As a result, he lost right after the start of the match. He lost even more embarrassingly than the previous two. He even failed before the match even started...

"Who's talking big!" The man with glasses was naturally dissatisfied. It must be because he was in a daze just now that he lost to her.

If he does it again, he may not lose.

With his dual abilities, no matter how bad he is, he can at least draw a tie.

He didn't give up, "How about, let's compete again. If you win, my entire team will be at your disposal in the future, how about it!"

"You have already lost, and since you lost, you have to lose." Lu Nanqi clasped his hands fiercely, and spoke slowly, "Besides, I really don't like your team, even you guys. No way."

"Since you don't like it, why do you still want to fight!" The gold-type supernatural person below asked dissatisfied.

Lu Nanqi shrugged innocently, "If I don't want to fight, wouldn't you say I'm incompetent? What can I do? I just want to fight. I'm helpless in this kind of trick competition."

These words really slapped them all in the face.

But what to do, they are indeed lost.

At this moment, he could only swallow the blood in secret, hold back his breath, and one day, he would be able to truly beat her to the ground.

"Don't look at me with such vicious eyes, it's so frightening, it makes it seem like there is a deep hatred between you and me." Lu Nanqi deliberately pretended to be timid, pitifully aggrieved.

The men secretly vomited blood, what is being cheap and being good-looking, how vivid her image is.

"Don't be complacent, I believe that one day, I will be able to defeat you." The man with glasses swore.

"Okay, okay, then wait for your day to come." Lu Nanqi perfunctory, turned to the first strong man, "You lost the game, what will we do?"

The powerful man backed away subconsciously, "Then what do you want? If you let me be your subordinate, I would rather kill myself on the spot."

"I still don't like you." Lu Nanqi said, "Very well, I apologize to my people."

"They lost, why should I apologize to them!" The power-type man was angry and naturally unwilling.

"You forced them to compete." Lu Nanqi reminded, his brows and eyes darkened slightly.

"So what if I forced them, they're just a bunch of trash, why should you care?" The powerful man snorted coldly, "I won't bow to those who are weaker than me." He turned around and left as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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