Chapter 371 His Purpose
Lying on your stomach from a high altitude, you can see the mountain tops full of bamboo forests. From the center of their base, you can clearly see those arrogant bamboos, as if they were infected, from the inside to the outside. Quiet one by one.

Lu Nanqi took out a few axes from the space and gave them to Meng Lun to share with everyone.

She used the Seven Star Sword to cut open the green wall in front of her, and then replaced it with an ax to chop off the bamboos that were no different from those before the end of the world one by one, and then took it into the space.

The others cut down the other three green walls, and spread out with Liao Sponge as the center point. Everyone held an ax in their hands and began to chop seriously.

"You really came to chop trees." Zhao Jinzhong, with a scarred face, showed a rare cute look because of curiosity, "I thought you were here to hunt monsters and dig crystal nuclei, but I didn't expect that you really came to chop trees. Bamboo, but what do you want this bamboo for?"

"That's why I came here specially because I needed it." Mu He said, "Don't talk too much, if you have this spare time, why don't you help and cut more, what does she want to do, we are in the same base, sooner or later I'll know one day."

Although he didn't know why Lu Nanqi took so much trouble and needed so many bamboos.

But it is also true as he said, living together in the base, you will see what you need to know sooner or later.

If she doesn't want everyone to know, then he just pretends to be stupid.

If you keep chasing others and asking questions like a gossip, you will only be hated more and more by others.

His purpose is to join Lu Nanqi's team and form a team with her.

Since Lu Nanqi didn't ask him to join, and didn't drive him away directly, it meant that she was holding a wait-and-see attitude towards him.

At such a time, of course he should be more cautious.

Since she doesn't like people who like to chatter, he will take care of it for her.

But Zhao Jinzhong did not intend to stop talking, "Since this thing knows how to attack us, it means that it is also mutated. Since it is mutated, it should also have crystal nuclei, right?"

He took an ax to chop the bamboo, and when the bamboo fell to the ground, he chopped off the bamboo one by one, trying to find the crystal nucleus, but unfortunately he couldn't find anything.

"Strange, how could there be no? It doesn't make sense. If there is no crystal nucleus, how can they be so powerful?" He wondered, when he dug the root of the bamboo with a knife, there was still no shadow of the crystal nucleus.

He went to chop the second tree, but Meng Lun stopped him, "Don't bother, you won't get a single crystal nucleus."


"Because those crystal nuclei have already been absorbed by the sponge." Meng Lun explained.

"He?" Zhao Jinzhong didn't believe it, "He has been standing still from the beginning, how could it be that he absorbed the crystal nucleus away, then may I ask, what did he rely on?"

Meng Lun said, "Naturally, it's his mental abilities."

"You're talking nonsense." Zhao Jinzhong didn't believe it, and went to cut down the second and third bamboos. He cut down five bamboos in a row, and he cut each one into small pieces, but he found nothing.

He was frustrated, "There really is nothing."

"So stop talking nonsense, cut it quickly." Mu He urged.

Zhao Jinzhong resentfully followed everyone to cut bamboo, and he shut up quietly, but he was not focused enough, and looked at Liao Sponge in the center of the field several times.

He has heard of psychic powers, but he has never really seen the power of psychic powers.

Today is the first time I see you, I just feel strange.

In this world, it turns out that there are really things that can kill people with just a use of their brains.

(End of this chapter)

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