Chapter 378 He Wants To Kill Me

Lu Nanqi then withdrew his gaze, lowered his head again, and slowly placed the muzzle of the gun on the man's forehead.

Zhao Jinzhong jumped out in a panic to stop her, "Seventh sister! He is mine, for my sake, can you let him go?"

"He wants to kill me." Lu Nanqi narrated a fact indifferently.

"His head was kicked by a donkey. He was just confused for a while. Don't worry, as long as you give him a chance, I will definitely let him reform himself. For the sake of our life and death, you adults don't remember villains. Let him go." Zhao Jinzhong begged for mercy, walked over slowly, trying to push away Lu Nanqi's gun pointed at his brother.

"If you dare to touch him, you will stay here with me today." Lu Nan Qifan pointed his gun at Zhao Jinzhong, "Your men want to kill me, how do you want to explain it to me? Do you want to kill him?" One person solves it, one person does the work and the other person is responsible, or solves all three of you and takes responsibility for the fault alone?"

Zhao Jinzhong swallowed, "Don't get excited, we have something to talk about."

"Tell her a fart, I'm the one who does things and the other is responsible, and everything comes to me, don't ask this bitch!" The man on the ground had a knife stuck in his chest, bleeding profusely, and was thrown from over there. , Another heavy fall, this time it was already so empty that he could die at any time.

"Don't you fucking say a few words to me!" Zhao Jinzhong snapped angrily.

"Ambition," Lu Nanqi sneered, and pulled the trigger with his finger, "Then go to your Western Paradise!"

"No!" Zhao Jinzhong rushed forward, but it was still a step too late, not as fast as Lu Nanqi's bullets, so he could only watch his brother die under his nose.

His eyes were flushed, and he knelt beside the corpse. He was silent for a while, and only clenched his hands in vain.

Lu Nanqi put away his gun, his expression still indifferent.

Not long after, Meng Lun came back from there, looked at Lu Nanqi's disappointed face, "Let that man run away, faster than me, his whole body is tightly wrapped, it seems that he is deliberately not to be seen Who is it? Looking at the figure, I only know that it is a man, and I can't see anything else."

Speed ​​above him?

Lu Nanqi fell into deep thought for a while, thinking that when he was being followed in the base, he seemed to be a very fast person.

Who is it?
Among the people she knew, Meng Lun was the only one with the fastest ability.

In other words, this person is not within the scope of her understanding, perhaps, is her enemy.

But since he is her enemy, why should he help her?
She firmly believed that this dead man on the ground must have been thrown back for her by that man.

"Sister Qi, do you know who he is?" Seeing that Lu Nanqi was in a daze and did not speak, Meng Lun asked again.

Lu Nanqi came back to his senses, cut off his thoughts, and shook his head, "I don't know, let's go, go back, and chop all these bamboos before dark."

"Are you okay?" Meng Lun checked her body with his eyes.

"It's okay." Lu Nanqi took a deep look at Zhao Jinzhong who was on the ground, and finally left.

With today's shot, they are probably destined to become enemies in the future.

More killings are just to save lives.

In this last days, people's hearts have already been extinguished.

It also extinguished her heart.

Well, let it be dark to the end.

Let's see who can live longer.

A group of people went back to cut trees, but Zhao Jinzhong and his other subordinates were no longer seen. Not long after, the sound of a car moving down came from below.

Presumably, Zhao Jinzhong and the others went back first.

(End of this chapter)

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