Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 386 Fighting the world we want

Chapter 386 Fighting the world we want
"The big danger has been eliminated, but there is still a small danger. Let them go out by themselves, and there will still be casualties." Huo Ping said.

"If you don't let them go out and act on their own, you can ensure that each of them will live a safe life? You can protect them for a while, can you protect them for a lifetime? If you dare not face even a small danger, then Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, might as well die early." Lu Nanqi said.

Huo Ping paused again, and looked sideways at her.

Lu Nanqi raised his head and looked back, neither dodging nor dodging, "I'm telling the truth, don't feel unwilling to listen."

"No." Huo Ping suddenly smiled slightly, "I just think that I'm a big man, and I'm not as far-sighted as you think."

"It's not that you are not as far-sighted as I think, but that you are too scruples about your father's ideas.

He is the leader, yes, he is a generation of heroes before the end of the world, but it does not mean that the heroes of the past are suitable to survive in such an environment.

He has served the people all his life, and he is too concerned about people's life and death. It is because he is too concerned about their life and death. In everything, he will be more timid, afraid that they will be hurt more, but who knows, maybe too much protection , is also a kind of injury.

Hasn't the attack of this zombie wave taught him enough?Because the protection is so good, it has been more than two months since the end of the world, and many people are still so naive and ignorant.

When a bigger disaster comes, there will only be more deaths.

Instead of giving them such protection, it is better to teach them to take up arms and fight.

And you, you understand everything, the only real thing is that decisiveness, because the other party is your father, if you insist on doing it, you will be clearly against your father.

The purpose of your coming to me is because you have already guessed my thoughts, and I will definitely give you a different answer from others, so you are here.

All you need is someone to support you. "

Huo Ping looked at her with a deeper smile, "You are really smart, you can see everything so thoroughly."

"It's not that I'm smart, but that our ideas just coincide with each other."

"Then you, will you support me?"

"Yes." Lu Nanqi followed suit with a smile, "I will be the most determined person from the beginning to the end."

"Qiqi, come and do it with me, and fight the world we want."

What a long-term and great goal this is.

Behind the world, how many people really understand?

"I don't have such grand goals as yours." She couldn't help smiling, "I don't want to fight the world, I just want to settle down."

How can a person who can't even protect his family talk about the world?

No matter how good the base is, in her heart, it will never be her home.

Since it is a home, it is built with your own hands.

Her goal is just to build a home, a home that completely belongs to her heart.

"There is no peace, so where did you come from?" Huo Ping couldn't help asking.

"Who knows." She smiled, unwilling to say more on this topic, and took the initiative to shift the conversation, "When do you plan to clean up the city, I will let Meng Lun and the others prepare early."

"Tomorrow." Huo Ping said.

The two gradually walked forward along the road, and the snow became deeper and deeper.

Lu Nanqi didn't expect it to snow, let alone take a walk with Huo Ping like this. He didn't bring a coat when he went out.

Huo Ping looked down, and put his down jacket on her shoulders.

Not used to being taken care of by others, her first reaction was to take off her coat, but was stopped by Huo Ping, "Just put it on properly, don't be stubborn, no matter how strong a person is, he always needs to be relied on."

(End of this chapter)

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