Chapter 391 Because of You

The matter was just like that, Lu Nanqi didn't care what he did, before leaving, he only put a few bamboos cut yesterday outside the gate, and then went to the gate of the base.

Because I got up early, when I got there, it was just dawn.

She came early enough, but Huo Ping and the others were even earlier than her.

Many people stood at the gate of the base, armed with guns.

Lu Nanqi walked over to Huo Ping, "When are you going to notify the other people in the base?"

"While it's time for dinner." Huo Ping said.


There is porridge in the base every day, twice a day, morning and evening, each person is served with a steamed bun.

It can't be said that I can eat enough, but I can barely starve to death.

With so many people in a base, even with such savings, the food is still far from enough.

The remaining food in the base is probably only enough to sustain life in the base for about a week.

And this truth, except for the people inside, no one else knows.

Today, this news will be passed on in the base, so that all people will face difficulties together.

Lu Nanqi listened to Huo Ping's plan in detail, and couldn't help but look at the group of people at the door, "Only these people are guarding, is that enough?"

"Aren't there still you supernatural beings here? What are you worried about?" Huo Ping said with a slight smile, but he didn't see any worries.

"You are very confident that this can be done." Lu Nanqi couldn't help laughing, and the many worries in his heart gradually dissipated with his confidence.

"Because you're here." Huo Ping grinned suddenly, seeming a little serious and a little serious. Those serious eyes didn't fall on her, but looked at the person in front of him who was carrying the porridge to the stage, with a serious expression on his face. With a faint smile, she couldn't take it seriously at all.

He couldn't take it seriously, and couldn't face the rejection directly, maybe he didn't take it to heart, but she wanted to be serious and made him laugh instead.

Lu Nanqi looked over together, "Someone is coming."

It was dawn, and people in the base gradually poured in from all directions, and soon formed a long line at the porridge place that could not be seen to the end.

But today, the porridge giver was not in a hurry to start. He stood in front of several big pots of porridge, but looked at Huo Ping.

The people below were urging to give the porridge quickly, and someone asked why they didn't start, but the person standing above, like a deaf man, remained indifferent.

About ten minutes later, the doubts below became louder.

Only then did Huo Ping set off, climbed onto the platform, took the place of the man, and stood in front of the big pot of porridge, "Don't worry, everyone. I have an important announcement to make before serving the porridge."

He has a serious face, he is usually unsmiling, and he said it was a big deal. When the people below heard this, they immediately started whispering.

With such a big scene today, there must be nothing good.

After a while of discussions, those who lined up subconsciously backed away.

"What's the matter with Young Master Huo? It's enough to broadcast it once on the radio. Why do you have to work so hard?" Someone laughed apologetically below, "Look at the scene, but what's going on?"

"It's really a big deal." Huo Ping glanced at the man, without beating around the bush, and said bluntly: "Everyone has also seen that it has started to snow today, and there are many people in the base who have no place to live, and no one wants to see it." Some people were frozen to death in the base, so, according to the unanimous decision of the above, starting today, the scope of the base will be expanded to the outside. Our goal is to clean up the entire city, so that everyone can have a home again .”

(End of this chapter)

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