Chapter 394
The chaotic people were instantly quiet, and the crowd froze in place, looking for the source of the gunshots in fear. Seeing that it was Lu Nanqi who fired the gun, they dared not speak due to her power.

She jumped onto the stage, walked up to Huo Ping, turned on the loudspeaker and said to the people below: "Those who have received the food will be sent out immediately, so if you decide to come here to get the food, it is best to go here first." Go back and pack up your things, and then come back again. There are three days of porridge giving. Those who go out on the first day can each receive ten steamed buns and two bowls of porridge. By tomorrow, they can only receive five steamed buns and one Bowl of porridge, on the third day, I can only get three steamed buns, no porridge."

Her words undoubtedly added another firewood to Huo Ping's bomb, making the fire even more intense.

People who were noisy one moment, were already running separately the next moment, and all rushed to the residence in one go.

Huo Ping turned his head to look at Lu Nanqi, and raised the corners of his lips slightly, "Sure enough, it's your swiftness that works well. Look at this group of people, they seem to be desperate."

"Aren't you just running for your life?" Lu Nanqi said with emotion.

The most important thing in the last days is not food. What's the use of having a strong body without food? In the end, you still have to starve to death.

She just grasped the weakness of people's hearts and took the opportunity to deal with them.

The daily food gap, for them now, is a ten-day food gap.

Plus the people inside won't stay on base either.

With several pieces of news superimposed, I believe that no one will want to stay in the base, and everyone will just scramble to leave the base.

Before he left, he could still pick up a pile of food, no matter how he thought about it, he was making money. No one was stupid enough to stay in the base.

The two stood in front of the cauldron of porridge for a while, when they saw someone hastily running towards them.

"People are greedy and will never learn to be satisfied."

Suddenly there was another voice from the side, and the two turned their heads to look at it, it was Jia Baihang.

He glanced back at the two of them, and smiled faintly, "It's fine if we break up, so as not to blame us for our own life and death in the end."

Some people are like this, it’s not scary to be incompetent, what’s scary is those who are incompetent and have dark hearts.

Gradually, more and more people came, Lu Nanqi held the trumpet while ordering the order, while filling steamed buns for the people over there.

Those who got the food were directly led out of the base.

Soon, the people who surrounded them densely before gradually dispersed, but soon, a new group of people came over.

No matter how much food there is, it will take only a few minutes to bring it up, and it will all be collected.

And those who were taken out, some chose a house near the base, and some who wanted to be farther away were driven out by the supernatural beings in the base to reach their destination and ensured that there were no zombies in the whole house. Then, drive back.

The whole day was spent distributing porridge, distributing food and sending these people out. At night, there were still many people waiting around their big pot of porridge.

After Lu Nanqi was on stage for half a day, she changed people. She followed the others to send those ordinary people out of the base. She drove a bus, a big car, and could send a lot of people at once. Those people all went together. In one place, she only needs to send people to the destination like everyone else, and then check if there are any zombies in the house, and then she can go back and report.

It's very simple, much simpler than serving porridge there to appease people's hearts.

Sure enough, a woman like her is only suitable for doing some physical work. To preside over a scene like that, you need someone with a powerful force to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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