Chapter 413 Ice Element
It's no wonder that there was no one here at the beginning... It's not that there are no people, but that they have discovered their existence a long time ago, and deliberately created a false impression for them to see. After they enter, there will be another game of catch.

"What kind of power are you?" She looked at Wu Feng.

"Ice element." Wu Feng observed the movement outside, "Do you have any plans?"

Lu Nanqi said: "Observe the logos on their clothes carefully. If you guess correctly, those crystal nuclei of different colors represent their abilities. The green ones are wood-type, the dark yellow ones are earth-type, and the milky-white ones It is your ice element, the red gold is the gold element, the dark gray represents power, the red is the fire element, the silver and white is the thunder, and the wind element is similar to your white."

She turned her head and found that Wu Feng was looking at her with interest. She frowned, "If you don't want to die, don't be too curious. If you have the ability, you should first solve the difficulties in front of you. If you have a life, you want to know What's the problem, are you afraid that you won't have a chance to know?"

"You mean, as long as we get out of here safely, you will solve the doubts in my heart?"

"No, as long as you get out of here safely, you will have time to solve your doubts by yourself." Lu Nanqi corrected his question, impatiently talking to him about these things, and brought the conversation back to the point, "What level is your ice system?" ?”

"Level [-], but there are not many left now, and they are forced to use up by those people. Even if I want to deal with them now, I am powerless. If not, I still need to wait for you to save me?"

Lu Nanqi took out a bottle of water from the space, "Drink it."

Wu Feng hesitated.

She took out two more bottles, one for Chen Xiaobao and one for herself to drink, "There is poison in it, but don't worry, at least it won't kill you now."

Hearing her harsh words, Wu Feng was relieved, raised his head slightly, and drank up the whole bottle of water, "I've finished drinking the water, so now, should I tell you about your action plan?"

"The action plan is to wake up my cat. As long as it is woken up, we will be saved." Lu Nanqi said.

"Are my ears broken? What did I hear?" Wu Feng's expression was weird. He looked at Chen Xiaobao in disbelief, "Did you hear what she said? Tell me, is she crazy?"

"You are crazy." Chen Xiaobao was protecting Lu Nanqi, "My seventh sister said to save the little goblin, so she must save the little goblin."

"I think you two are crazy!" Wu Feng couldn't even smile wryly. He sat on the steps in vain, not in a hurry to escape. He knew in his heart that no matter how hard he tried to escape, he couldn't escape successfully. .

He sighed, "I see, I'd better go back to the cage consciously."

Lu Nanqi didn't care what his thoughts were, he had already acted on his own, gave Chen Xiaobao a bottle of water, and told her, "I'll go out and deal with them, you take this opportunity to feed this bottle of water to the little goblin."

Chen Xiaobao looked at her worriedly, "How can you deal with them alone, there are eight of them."

"If you don't try, how will you know if it will work?" Lu Nanqi smiled and patted her on the shoulder, "I'll go out and rescue the little goblin first, and then you can take the opportunity to come out."

With that said, she stood up.

Wu Feng grabbed her, "Are you really planning to go out and kill yourself?"

"That's just a few people with first-level abilities. As long as they don't pull out their guns, then we are safe. Don't forget, when the gunshots sound, more people will come over. At that time, this place will be completely destroyed. Being discovered, do you think we have a better chance of winning, or they have a higher chance of winning? They need an experimental product, and if I am such a good experimental product in front of them, they will let it go and be willing to hurt me?" Lu Nan Qi smiled, her face full of confidence, "If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, then stay here, no one will force you to go out."

(End of this chapter)

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